What’s recently happened? Whiting High School (WHS) celebrated Mexican Independence Day on Friday September 16 by hosting a fundraiser of a dress down day. Students were able to donate a dollar to the Spanish Club to raise money for future...
Elena Cheek
#1StudentNWI: Whiting High School welcomes students back to school
What’s recently happened? The School City of Whiting began its 2022-2023 school year on August 11, and many students were extremely eager to meet their new teachers. Whiting High School (WHS) had a very busy first day of school, with many...
#1StudentNWI: City of Whiting prepares for Annual Pierogi Festival
What’s recently happened? Whiting celebrated the Fourth of July by having its annual parade since before the COVID-19 pandemic. The parade featured many local Whiting groups, as well as other groups from surrounding towns such as Hammond and...
#1StudentNWI: Oil City Stadium opens for the NWI Oilman summer season
What’s recently happened? The City of Whiting Oilman began their season at the beginning of June. The team plays and practices at the Whiting Oil City Stadium. The minor league team plays during summer and goes against various teams in the...
#1StudentNWI : Whiting High School Prepares for Graduation and Summer
What’s recently happened? Whiting High School (WHS) hosted its first prom since before the pandemic, on May 14. Just over 200 students attended the event. The junior Class of 2023 was able to fundraise for their senior year while allowing the class...
#1StudentNWI: Whiting High School prepares for prom for the first time since pre-pandemic
What’s recently happened? Whiting High School (WHS) band has been extremely busy playing in many events recently and showing off their skills in a multitude of different concerts. The WHS band played at The Chicago Wolves game on March 25, and...
#1StudentNWI : Whiting High School spring sports look forward to new season
What’s recently happened? The Whiting High School (WHS) Science Olympiad team competed at the their state competition at Purdue University in West Lafayette on March 13.The team had a successful competition previously in the beginning of...
#1StudentNWI: Whiting High School Band celebrates Valentine’s Day in its own way
What’s recently happened? On February 14, Whiting High School (WHS) Band celebrated Valentine’s Day in its own manner and gave a bag of appreciation to all the members. Made by the juniors within the band, they decorated and passed out bags full...
#1StudentNWI: Whiting High School science olympiad team begins competition season
What’s recently happened: Whiting High School (WHS) Science Olympiad Team began competition season by participating in the Whiting Invitational in December where they competed against 21 different teams, from 13 different schools. The Whiting...
#1StudentNWI : Whiting High School’s Band Plays in Annual Holiday Concert
What’s Recently Happened : Whiting High School (WHS) band played another great year in the annual WHS Holiday Concert, on December 13. Their instructor Patrick Pecher who directs the band and choir for the school led students to play...