TRACK & FIELD Chesterton Relays 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has been rough on everyone and students are no exception. Unfortunately, seniors have appeared to be the most impacted due to the normal last year events and traditions they are missing out on....
The Highland Trojans boy's basketball team hosted the Hobart Brickies in a conference game Friday night. The night started off with the Trojans securing the tip, and a three-pointer made by Highland’s #10 Kyren Abbott. The Trojans...
Computer science is a field that has been growing exceptionally in recent years, and the introduction of the pandemic has shown just how big of a role technology can play in our lives. Highland High School Computer Science and Math Teacher...
Swimming is often a sport of personal bests. Many times, it’s not whether you win or lose a specific event that matters, it’s about growth and personal improvement. Still, it is nice to bring home the trophy, and the Crown...
Hobart High School hosted wrestling regionals this Saturday. The schools that attended are as follows: East Chicago Central, Hammond Clark, Hammond Gavit, Merrillville, Munster, Whiting, Andrean, Calumet, Griffith, Highland, Hobart, Lake Station...