If you live within the La Porte or Elkhart area, chances are you may have passed the CompressAir facility and thought to yourself “what are they all about”? CompressAir provides sales, service and air audits to help customers with their air...
Dyandra Morris
A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Zofia Barick
At the tender age of nine, many can reflect on the joys of being carefree. There was no paying of bills, scheduling doctor appointments or any mundane “adult” tasks and few kids take the time to think much about engaging in philanthropic acts....
Metro Recycling: Making the Most of Materials While Serving Their Communities
Members of the Ideas in Motion Media team had the opportunity to take advantage of the spring like temperatures and took a tour of the Metro Recycling Facility. Neil Samahon, the C.E.O. of Metro Recycling and Olivia Sanders, the company’s Marketing...
NorthShore Health Centers Celebrate National Chill Out Day with Kona Ice
The NorthShore Health Center of Portage and Kona Ice of the Dunes teamed up on Tuesday afternoon to celebrate this year’s National Chill Out day - the official end to the tax season. Parked outside of the 3564 Scottsdale Street location, the icee...
State Representative Slager Connects with Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation
The good people of Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and the Sheffield Manor Assisted Living Residence welcomed Indiana’s District 15 State Representative Hal Slager on Monday afternoon. The C.E.O. of the friendly facility, Ron Nunziato,...
A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Russell W. Brown Jr.
On our television sets we watch in awe as fictional lawyers like Annalise Keating, Saul Goodman, and Atticus Finch fight tooth and nail for their clients. In a world where our justice system sometimes fails us, we are quite fortunate to have...
A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Jeri Pat Gabbert
High school graduation season is right around the corner. While this ought to be a time of excitement, some are suffering from the anxiety of figuring out how they are going to pay for their education. The Indiana University Northwest campus is...
Indiana University Northwest Hosts 2018 Chancellor’s Commission for Community Engagement
Indiana University Northwest hosted their spring 2018 Chancellor’s Commission for Community Engagement installment on Wednesday morning, at their John W. Anderson Library Conference Center. Chancellor William J. Lowe alongside Dr. Ellen Szarleta,...
Porter EMS and INHealth Prep For Big Easter Egg Hunt
The men and women of Porter EMS and INHealth Integrated Care came together bright and early on March 19th to prepare for their 5th Annual Breakfast With The Easter Bunny event that will be happening this Saturday, March 24th. Located at the Station 2...
Northwest Indiana Celebrates Earth Day April 21st!
The good people of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction are gearing up for their 13th Northwest Indiana Earth Day, their annual family celebration. Metro Recycling, one of four Rethink Level sponsors this year (Along with NIPSCO, NWI Clean...