Whiting High School

Students explore the many healthcare career paths at VicTory 4 Kidz Youth Healthcare Career Expo

Students explore the many healthcare career paths at VicTory 4 Kidz Youth Healthcare Career Expo On Wednesday, February 26, VicTory 4 Kidz hosted its annual Youth Healthcare Career Expo. Over 30 organizations and higher learning institutions set up booths in the community center’s gymnasium, eager to chat with students about the healthcare...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Let love bloom with Whiting High School’s Spanish Club

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Let love bloom with Whiting High School’s Spanish Club What’s recently happened? On Saturday, February 1, the Whiting High School (WHS) Science Olympiad team competed in the Regional competition at Indiana University Northwest. There were teams from schools all over the area who came to compete....

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Science Olympiad hosts 19th annual invite

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Science Olympiad hosts 19th annual invite What’s recently happened? On Saturday, December 7, the Science Olympiad team hosted its 19th annual invitational. There were teams from schools like Carmel High School, Northridge High School, and more who came to compete. Students competed across...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School’s Student Council hosts its annual toy drive

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School’s Student Council hosts its annual toy drive What’s recently happened? Whiting High School’s (WHS) Student Council hosted its annual toy drive. From November 18 to December 6, WHS students brought in toys to their homeroom to be delivered to city hall for children in need.  The goal of...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Wrestling prepares for the new season

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Wrestling prepares for the new season What’s recently happened? This past September, the Whiting High School (WHS) wrestling team started practicing for the upcoming season with Coach Daniel Hartman. Hartman helped lead the team towards improvement, including helping two freshmen win...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Band and Choir prepare for the first concert of the year!

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Whiting High School Band and Choir prepare for the first concert of the year! What recently happened?  Whiting High School’s (WHS) Homecoming dance took place on September 28, hosted by WHS’ Booster Club. Starting Monday September 23, students showed up in cowboy-themed outfits and began competition for the Spirit...

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