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#1StudentNWI: Let’s do Whiting High School Academic Team Competes at River Forest Regionals for 1000, Alex

#1StudentNWI: Let’s do Whiting High School Academic Team Competes at River Forest Regionals for 1000, Alex

What's recently happened? 

The Regional Academic Super Bowl Competition, held at River Forest High School on April 16, hosted Whiting High School’s academic team. The event featured participation from different academic teams representing various subjects. Students from the school competed in fields such as English, the fine arts, science, math, and social studies, aiming for top rankings in their respective categories.

“The academic team competition was truly such a fun experience. The vibes were great. Even though we were all competing against each other, all the students came together to hang out and just make the best out of the day together,” said Junior Brennen Bannister.

Among the competing teams, the English and Fine Arts teams secured third place. Meanwhile, the Science Team closed off with second place. The Social Studies Team emerged victorious with a first-place finish. This was followed by the Math Team, which also secured first place in its category.

“It was a great experience. I got to be around some pretty cool people and made some pretty great memories,” said Senior John Janiga. 

Although none of the teams qualified for the State level competition, there was a positive atmosphere throughout the event, and, despite the warmer weather, the teams demonstrated strong performances and enjoyed themselves throughout the competition. Overall, it was a commendable effort from all the participating teams, reflecting their dedication and preparation for the event. Congratulations to the Whiting High School Academic Teams for their achievements at the Regional Academic Super Bowl Competition.

What's coming up? 

Prom 2024 is quickly approaching, scheduled for May 4 at the Wicker Park Social Center from 6 - 10 p.m. This highly anticipated event marks a memorable occasion for students to come together and celebrate the climax of their high school journey. Tickets for Prom were selling for $60, offering attendees the chance to secure their spot for a night of festivities and fun.

“Prom's a mix of excitement and sadness. It's a blast with friends, but there's this sadness knowing it might be one of the last times we're all together before things change,” said Senior Richard Sarabia. 

This year's prom theme is inspired by the enchanting world of Disney's “Tangled,” named "Tangled in Our Memories." Drawing from the beloved animated film, the theme promises to transport attendees into a realm of magic and whimsy. From intricate decorations to themed music and activities, students can anticipate an immersive experience that pays homage to this timeless Disney classic.

“I'm looking forward to Prom. It's going to be a blast with my friends, especially in our senior year. I plan to dance all night and enjoy every moment,” said Senior Victoria Garcia. 

As preparations for Prom continue, excitement builds for what promises to be an unforgettable evening. With the enchanting theme setting the stage, attendees can look forward to a night filled with laughter, good food, and, of course, plenty of dancing. Prom offers students the opportunity to create cherished memories with friends and classmates as they bid farewell to high school in style.

Staff spotlight: 

Lisa Peck is different from your average English teacher; she's a dedicated educator who specializes in working with seniors, particularly in Advanced Placement (AP) English Language & Composition. With a passion for literature and language, she navigates the challenges of education with grace and strategic teaching methods. Beyond her role in AP courses, Peck also works on debate and speech skills while guiding students through regular English 12 classes. In her classroom, learning is not just about textbooks; it's about fostering a love for language and critical thinking that extends far beyond high school.

Each English teacher has a unique origin story, and for Peck, discovering her "Why?" wasn’t hard to find.

“My motivation in becoming an English teacher was my passion for the content. I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing and knew teaching students to love to read and write would be a fun profession to have,” said Peck.

In her work with seniors, Peck faces the challenge of combating senioritis, but she's well-equipped with effective strategies to keep her students engaged and motivated.

“My number one strategy to engage and inspire my senior students is the classroom environment. Another strategy I use is maintaining a positive attitude, even in the most trying situations,” said Peck.

Peck's teaching career is peppered with unforgettable moments that will stay with her for a lifetime. Particularly in her AP Language courses, there are a couple of instances that never fail to bring a smile to her face.

“A memorable teaching moment from my experience with AP English Language and Composition would be when we watch commercials, advertisements, and videos to discuss rhetorical choices. We always have a good laugh, and I love the class involvement,” said Peck.

As the AP exams loom closer, Peck must devise effective strategies to prepare her students thoroughly. Fortunately, she ensures that support and guidance are readily available to her students, making the preparation process more accessible for them.

“To help my students prepare for the challenges of AP exams, I constantly remind them that they have the information for their essays – they just need to tap into their prior knowledge,” said Peck.

While Peck cherishes her time spent with her students, she also values her days off to recharge and pursue other interests. She holds a particular aspect of life dear, something she wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

“When I am not teaching, you can find me outdoors. I like any event that takes me outside. Biking, hiking, swimming, roller skating, canoeing, gardening, etc,” said Peck.

Peck is an exceptional teacher whose influence is felt by all at Whiting High School. Her dedication and commitment to her students are evident, and it's clear that she has made a significant impact on those she teaches. Without her, the school would undoubtedly feel a void. Peck's genuine care for her students and their reciprocal appreciation create a positive and supportive learning environment that enriches the school community as a whole.

With her years of experience as a teacher, Peck has accumulated a wealth of wisdom and insights to share.

“Advice I have for my students would be that attitude is everything. As Charles Swindoll once said, ‘Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it,’” said Peck.

Student spotlight: 

A multi-talented individual who excels both on the field and in the classroom is Senior Kyle Denecke. From dominating the football field to showcasing his skills on the baseball diamond, Denecke is a true athlete. However, his talents extend beyond sports; as the goalie for Whiting High School's Spanish Club Soccer Tournament, he demonstrates versatility and leadership. Despite his busy athletic schedule, Denecke remains committed to academic excellence, earning a well-deserved spot on the A-B Honor Roll.

Denecke’s journey in sports is driven by a simple yet heartfelt motivation.

"My brother and dad were the ones that got me into sports along with the enjoyment of always having things to do," said Denecke

Over time, his participation in sports has resulted in memorable victories, building a deep sense of self-assurance in Denecke. 

"I'll always remember the time I walked off Wheeler with one of the best games I ever played,” said Denecke.

At the Whiting Spanish Club Soccer Tournament, Denecke anticipated his role as the senior team’s goalkeeper.

"I was excited about the responsibility of being the goalie and helping my team win, even though I didn’t have to do much,” said Denecke.

Balancing the demands of three different sports comes naturally to Denecke, proof of his instinct to adapt and prioritize effectively.

"Juggling practice and games for three sports is all about finding the right balance and being flexible,” said Denecke

Beyond athletics, Denecke finds satisfaction in pursuits that aren’t expected.

"Outside of sports, I like spending time with my friends and family. I also try to find an hour or two every day to walk my dog,” said Denecke.

With graduation on the horizon, Denecke’s gaze is fixed firmly onto his future.

"In the future, I hope to keep improving and maybe play at a higher level in college,” said Denecke. 

As one of Whiting High School's many accomplished students, Denecke undoubtedly has a bright future ahead. With his impressive athletic achievements and academic excellence, he is well-equipped to excel at Indiana University Bloomington and beyond. Let's extend our best wishes to Denecke as he embarks on this exciting new chapter of his journey.