GIRLS BASKETBALL Merrillville VS. Valparaiso 2022

For Mike Reinhart, one of the directors at M&M Productions and Ross Music Theatre, musical theater has played a big role in his life. Mike Reinhart got his start in the theater when he was only eight years old, the first show he was in being...
What’s recently happened? Merrillville High School (MHS) has been very busy with the first trimester coming to a close. The first trimester gave many students a variety things to be preparing for, whether that meant football playoffs, the...
War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength – Merrillville High School’s fall production, a stage adaptation of George Orwell’s iconic dystopian novel ‘1984’. The play, which opened on Thursday evening, depicts a society where a...
What’s happened: Merrillville High School (MHS) has started off the school year strong. Students have been achieving recognition in academics, athletics, and school spirit. MHS recently wrapped up all Homecoming festivities, and it's safe to...
Sixteen National Recognition Scholars were named at Merrillville High School by the College Board. These students earned their recognition based on their GPAs of 3.5 or higher; and either scoring in the top 10% on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10 or...