VNA of Northwest Indiana throws Last Chance for White Pants ‘Friendraiser’ Gala to celebrate supporters and fund renovations

VNA of Northwest Indiana throws Last Chance for White Pants ‘Friendraiser’ Gala to celebrate supporters and fund renovations Lissa Yogan's mother had been in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities several times before an emergency room doctor finally suggested that Yogan and her family consider placing her mother in hospice. "We moved her into the VNA, and it was...

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VNA of Northwest Indiana reminds medical professionals “Death Isn’t a Failure” with presentation

VNA of Northwest Indiana reminds medical professionals “Death Isn’t a Failure” with presentation VNA of Northwest Indiana has watched awareness in hospice and palliative care grow over the many years they have provided patient-focused support services around the Region. Yet for many physicians and other medical professionals, approaching the...

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“LAST CHANCE FOR WHITE PANTS” TO SUPPORT VNA HOSPICE CENTER This is it! Your “Last Chance for White Pants” for the season at a fun event sponsored by the Visiting Nurse Association of NWI. This summer casual event (white pants are optional) will feature a gourmet dinner, open bar, live music featuring The...

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