
McColly Real Estate Connects with global leaders to offer service you can trust

McColly Real Estate Connects with global leaders to offer service you can trust Pictured left to right: Jeff Bennett, Katie Wietbrock, Bill Rathjen, Tim McColly and Monica Decker. Editor’s note: McColly Real Estate participated in this conference before the pandemic was declared. We applaud the company for reaching out to...

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Red Cross to hold virtual ‘Zero to Hero’ training for volunteers interested in disaster response amid coronavirus concerns

Red Cross to hold virtual ‘Zero to Hero’ training for volunteers interested in disaster response amid coronavirus concerns WHO American Red Cross–Indiana Region WHAT "Zero to Hero” is a free weekend training program for new and existing volunteers, preparing them to be a Red Cross Disaster Action Team (DAT) member. DAT members respond to community crises such as home...

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McColly Real Estate invests in agents, offers inhouse education

McColly Real Estate invests in agents, offers inhouse education McColly Real Estate regularly invests in their agents by offering inhouse education courses and training programs to help prepare and support their agents while elevating the level of real estate expertise across the Region. Tim McColly, Director of...

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Centier Bank temporarily closes branch lobbies amid Coronavirus threat

Centier Bank temporarily closes branch lobbies amid Coronavirus threat MERRILLVILLE, Ind. –Michael E. Schrage, CEO and Chairman of Centier Bank, announced Wednesday the bank has temporarily closed all branch lobbies and in-store branches, limiting service to drive-up banking, in an effort to minimize social exposure...

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NIPSCO invests in infrastructure improvements as it looks to the future

NIPSCO invests in infrastructure improvements as it looks to the future In the last year, NIPSCO has made substantial infrastructure improvements to enhance customer experience and system safety while also addressing the ever-present need to adapt to industry changes in 2020 and beyond. In 2019, NIPSCO invested $660...

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Latitude Commercial crew practices team building at new Culinary Masterpiece Cooking School

Latitude Commercial crew practices team building at new Culinary Masterpiece Cooking School “Kitchens are made to bring families together” – the bold painted words on the center wall of a new Crown Point business, The Culinary Masterpiece Cooking School at 710 Merrillville Road in Crown Point read. By the time some of the Latitude...

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