Jacob Reinhart is a rising star in the high school drama scene, with plans to keep going well after graduation. Recognized both at his own high school and regionally for his ability to fall into the role of a character, Reinhart currently works to...
John Little
NITCO Treats its Customers to a Day on the Town!
Despite the gray skies and occasional sprinkles of rain, NITCO provided loads of fun during its third annual Customer Appreciation Day. NITCO invited customers and Hebron residents to its facility on Tuesday, August 12th. Everyone in attendance was...
Erny Signs Copies of Book on Growing Up in Northwest Indiana
Nashville author and former Hobart resident Shaun Erny held a book signing on Thursday for his first publication, The Adventures of a Suburban Daredevil: Surviving the Seventies in Style. The book is a collection of stories and memoirs from his life...
Northshore Health Centers’ Dr. Girn Awarded as Smoke-Free Champion by Anthem Medicaid
Dr. Kamaljeet Girn of the Northshore Health Center in Portage has been awarded the Smoke-Free Champion Award by Anthem Medicaid. The award, given to health care providers in Indiana, recognizes a physician who demonstrates an exemplary effort for...