Markets and Investing

Timing is key: TCU helps parents teach their kids about finance

Timing is key: TCU helps parents teach their kids about finance Children might not be responsible for paying bills or maintaining a family’s budget, but Teachers Credit Union Director of Financial Wellness and Wellbeing Jeff Sobieralski believes that the earlier parents begin educating them on finances, the...

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Purdue Federal Credit Union gives members $31.7 million with My Member Perks Program

Purdue Federal Credit Union gives members $31.7 million with My Member Perks Program These days, everybody is looking for extra value for their dollar. Purdue Federal Credit Union saw that desire, and wanted to help their members get more for their money. So, they created the My Member Perks program, which rewards their members for...

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Centier Bank creates online financial education series open to public

Centier Bank creates online financial education series open to public MERRILLVILLE, Ind. – Michael E. Schrage, CEO and Chairman of Centier Bank, is pleased to announce the recent launch of the bank’s online Financial Educational series, Centier To You, on the bank’s website. Centier has hosted in-person community...

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Teachers Credit Union advisor shares best advice for saving money

Teachers Credit Union advisor shares best advice for saving money Saving money – it’s something many people struggle to do (especially during a pandemic), but it’s critical for personal financial stability. Making a conscious effort to save money has financial as well as psychological benefits, promoting the...

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Allegius Credit Union partners with TruStage Insurance to offer members trust-worthy, affordable insurance

Allegius Credit Union partners with TruStage Insurance to offer members trust-worthy, affordable insurance Helping members create an articulated plan to achieve their financial goals is what Allegius Credit Union does best, and insurance protection is part of molding that financial plan. Allegius partners with organizations who can work with members to...

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