Markets and Investing

Mind on Money: Time to take another look at the ROTH IRA

Mind on Money: Time to take another look at the ROTH IRA 2021 may be a year for a little creative IRA tax planning. A Traditional IRA is typically funded with contributions that were made pre-tax into a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan and then rolled over to an IRA, or made on a “tax...

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Some Basics About Money-Minded New Year’s Resolutions

Some Basics About Money-Minded New Year’s Resolutions Provided by Benjamin F. Edwards & Co. and Clifford E. Bryan Among the various New Year’s resolutions people make each year, many set goals to be smarter about their money. To that end, we’ll discuss several ideas here to get you started on...

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Year-end financial to-do: review and rebalance your portfolio in this post-election environment

Year-end financial to-do: review and rebalance your portfolio in this post-election environment As we close in on the final weeks of 2020, we are faced with many challenges that will still be with us as we turn the calendar. We continue to navigate through the coronavirus pandemic and the vast economic problems resulting from measures taken to...

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Mind on Money: Don’t lose sleep over the ‘Great Reset’

Mind on Money: Don’t lose sleep over the ‘Great Reset’ My readers know I like to delve into the rabbit hole from time to time, and because of my privilege of working with hundreds of families for their planning and asset management, I feel like I get to live on the edge of popular thought on economics...

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Year-end financial to-do: evaluate the tax loss harvesting strategy

Year-end financial to-do: evaluate the tax loss harvesting strategy With the market’s volatility during 2020, you may have some positions that are currently valued below what you paid – a situation known as an “unrealized loss.” A good practice to evaluate before year end is to check to see if you have...

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