When Ideas in Motion Media Publisher Chris Mahlmann set up his big interview with Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels at our offices, he told the governor’s assistant he would be asking about Daniels’ plans for 2012, in an attempt to get the coveted...
What Works Right Now? Do Loads More of That!
Start With the No-Brainers While that title might appear to be an idiot-proof, no-brainer itself, aggressively following that principle is not always the case in my company or in yours. Most of us spend too much time fighting fires and juggling what...
What Specific Traits Make People Nice To Work With?
It is incredibly easy, and quite fun at times, to get all wound up about people that are an absolute pain in the rear to interact with in your working life. Maybe they are small minded, argumentative, inflexible, ignorant, slow moving, grouchy,...
Start Doing a Bunch of New Things That Have Been Proven to Work
Focused on new ideas and actions, this principle usually holds the most promise for additional opportunity no matter the age, position, or size of the company. However, the principle is listed after the first two articles in this series: Drop What...
Drop what isn’t working like a bad habit
As a punishment from the gods for his trickery, Sisyphus was compelled to roll a huge rock up a steep hill, but before he could reach the top of the hill, the rock would always roll back down, forcing him to begin again. Don’t be that guy....
CHANGE – Embrace it, Shape It, or Get The Heck Out of The Way
CHANGE – Embrace it, Shape It, or Get The Heck Out of The Way If you look up quotes related to the word change, you could be reading for days. There are actually 92,700,000 examples or sites that that you can link to when you search Google for...
Give Your Business the 20 Questions
As a parent of any teenager knows, the routine of asking them the 20 questions about what they are doing, who are they doing it with, when are they going to do it, and whether whatever it is that they are doing is good for them, is a critical part of...
Are You Really “Open” For Business?
After spending my whole career—one way or another—in the business development field and being a bit crazy about the subject, I continually find many little things businesses could be doing to improve their results. Recently, I was searching for a...
Building Your Business
Keep Up the Work – Even in Tough Times Building your business is one key job requirement of leaders in any company, every day, regardless of what the economic times hold. It is easy to get buried working in your business and not spending enough...