Merrillville High School Production of “Phantom of the Opera” 2015

Last spring, the Hebron High School Drama Club produced Back to the 80's, the first musical at Hebron High School since 1961! The response was so great that the school is producing its second musical, The Music Man. This show has 36 high school kids...
Circle the State With Song is a statewide children’s choral festival created and sponsored by the Indiana Music Educators Association. Participants in each of the twelve designated areas of the state are chosen by their music teachers to be members...
Circle the State With Song is a statewide children’s choral festival created and sponsored by the Indiana Music Educators Association. Participants in each of the 12 designated areas of the state are chosen by their music teachers to be members of...
Porter County will host its eighth annual Academic Super Bowl Invitational on Wednesday, March 4 on the PNC Westville campus. The event is free and open to the public. The competition will be in the Library-Student-Faculty (LSF) Building Assembly...