Chesterton High School

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School basketball season begins

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School basketball season begins What’s recently happened? Note: Basketball photos taken by Reese McKenzie The Chesterton High School (CHS) Varsity Football team officially concluded its season after falling to the Valparaiso High School Vikings earlier this month on November 8....

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Valparaiso, Morgan Township and Chesterton Qualify For High School State Spell Bowl

Valparaiso, Morgan Township and Chesterton Qualify For High School State Spell Bowl Above: Valparaiso High School Spell Bowl The Indiana Academic Spell Bowl-Senior Division Area Contest was held Monday, November 4 at Washington Township High School. High Schools from Valparaiso (Class 1-62 correct out of 100), Boone Grove (Class...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School prepares for a spooky trick-or-treat night

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School prepares for a spooky trick-or-treat night What’s recently happened? On October 19, the Chesterton High School (CHS) Co-ed Cheer Team competed and earned a State Title at the Hoosier Cheer Coach Association (HCCA) Championship. The team made its journey to Greenfield-Central High School to...

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GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School prepares for football and fun

GreatNews.Life Student Voices: Chesterton High School prepares for football and fun What’s recently happened? With fall comes the slow-paced back-to-school season as well as the always-exciting and forever-entertaining high school football season. Chesterton High School (CHS) has had quite an amusing football season thus...

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