Your Credit Score is a number that helps a lender decide whether to lend you money. The higher your score, the easier it will be for you to get approved and get better rates. There are 5 components to this number: Payment History: even if you only...
Read MoreBranch Manager Maricela Nava brings a harmonious tune to REGIONAL federal credit union’s Portage location
From a chipper "Hello" when members call to a friendly conversation at the front counter, the voice of REGIONAL federal credit union Branch Manager Maricela Nava carries a welcoming, uplifting tone through many avenues at the Portage location. Almost...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union now open in Winfield
After months of preparation and anticipation, the time has come—our new branch in Winfield is open for business! REGIONAL now has four convenient locations across Lake and Porter Counties. The Winfield location is at 10909 Randolph Street in...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union: Prioritizing the member for 66 years and counting
REGIONAL federal credit union has committed itself to supporting its members in every aspect of their lives. It offers its members a wide variety of services, including a mobile wallet deposit system, debit and credit card options, and even youth...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Creating a financial plan
What is the best way to achieve your financial goals? A Financial Plan is like a road map, and is essential to managing your money effectively. It consists of four components: Budget: A plan that shows how much you earn, spend, and save each month....
Read MoreWin your dream vacation for two from CU Travel
Exciting news! We've teamed up with Credit Union Travel to offer you a chance to win an incredible, all-inclusive resort getaway for two! Whether you're craving relaxation, adventure, or a mix of both, this is your chance to experience it all...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Credit Card Offers
There are many different credit cards out there, and it can be difficult to choose the onethat works best for you. However, lenders are required by law to give you the sameinformation about their cards. Here are some things to look for in a credit...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Setting SMART Financial Goals
“I want to save money!” That’s a great goal, but how are you going to do it? How will you know you’re done? When it comes to creating a financial goal, it is better to set SMART goals. S - Specific: This tells you exactly what you want to...
Read MoreCrossroads Chamber brings the Region together at Annual Business Expo
Nearly 70 different businesses and organizations from around the Region gathered at the Dean & Barbara White Community Center on May 21 for Crossroad’s Chamber’s Annual Business Expo. Featuring everything from banks and hospitals to artists...
Read MoreREGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Money personalities
Do you like to spend your money or save it for a rainy day? These are just some of the ways to describe your money personality, or your attitudes and habits when it comes to money. There are generally four types of personalities, and each has their...
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