#1studentNWI: Bishop Noll Institute celebrates Catholic Schools Week and Graduates with Distinction

#1studentNWI: Bishop Noll Institute celebrates Catholic Schools Week and Graduates with Distinction Due to hazardous weather conditions not once, but twice this winter, Catholic Schools Week took place February 22 - 26. Monday through Wednesday, Bishop Noll Institute (BNI) students were remote learning, but still had fun activities to do. Two...

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The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ sponsor five ministries at The Center at Donaldson

The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ sponsor five ministries at The Center at Donaldson Listen prayerfully. Live simply. Serve joyfully. This is the mission of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ (PHJC), a congregation of religious women originally founded by Catherine Kasper (later canonized Saint Katharina Kasper) in Dernbach, Germany...

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