City of La Porte Santa Parade 2024

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all of the things in our lives that make us thankful. Whether you’re here to visit family or just love everything that Northern Indiana has to offer, this weekend is set to be one full of fun and friends! Take a...
The 35th Anniversary PrancerPalooza event promises to be a great source of holiday fun for the whole family, according to La Porte Mayor Tom Dermody. The regional planning committee for the event announced earlier this week that due to a...
Under a sparkling canopy of twinkling lights, laughter and conversation filled the La Porte Civic Auditorium this past Friday night, November 15, as the community gathered for the inaugural Picnic Under the Stars event. Benefiting the La Porte City...
Dubbed “PrancerPalooza,” fans of the classic holiday film Prancer are invited to celebrate its 35th anniversary, with a series of special screenings and festive events in Three Oaks, Michigan, on Saturday, December 14, 2024, and...
The City of La Porte has annexed the area just north of Highway 39 with the permission of those living in the annexed area. With the annexation comes a host of new benefits to the residents around Highway 39 North thanks to support from the municipal...
As we enter the back half of November, it’s time to begin thinking about the important people in your life and how you can show it to them. Whether that’s through a gift, an experience, or just an afternoon of time together, Northern Indiana has...
While people get their Thanksgiving travel plans ready, the La Porte City Police Department is getting ready to increase patrol visibility as part of the annual Safe Family Travel campaign. The campaign, which starts November 16, focuses on...