United Way Northwest Indiana is excited to announce the appointment of Chris White as its new Chief Executive Officer. White, who previously served as Publisher of the Times of Northwest Indiana from 2013 to 2023, brings extensive...
The United Way of Northwest Indiana (UWNWI) will administer $22,780 from the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to support local food programs in Jasper County The funds will not be available to individuals. The award was...
Are you dreaming of owning your first home? Join us for an exciting First-Time Homebuyer Vendor Fair, where you'll gain valuable insights, tips, and access to trusted professionals in the real estate industry. Explore a Variety of Homeownership...
New Site Is Easy To Navigate, Sleeker, Enhanced For Visitors “Robin,” a graduate of United Way Northwest Indiana’s powerful Level Up program, shares her personal story on the United Way’s new and improved website, UnitedwayNWI.org. ...
Did you know that this week, you have the power to make a big difference with just a small gesture? Here's how you can join the cause: when you're checking out at any Strack & Van Til, or Town & Country location, simply round up your purchase...
Join us on April 27, 2024, from 10 am - 2 pm at the Merrillville Public Library for our inaugural First-Time Homebuyers Event, hosted by United Way Northwest Indiana. Get ready to take the first step towards homeownership! Learn about mortgages, down...
Faith Child Care Center in Gary will cut the ribbon on a renovation that tripled the facility’s size, opening new learning opportunities for dozens of new preschool students, thanks to a $200,000 grant from United Way Northwest Indiana and...
The United Way of Northwest Indiana (UWNWI) announced it will administer more than $348,000 from the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to support local food pantries, homeless shelters and organizations that provide basic needs...
Northwest Indiana has been awarded more than $348,000 by the Federal Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) to support local food pantry, homeless shelters and basic needs services. The award was made by the EFSP National Board,...
The Mascot Hall of Fame has teamed up with United Way Northwest Indiana to foster a love of reading among our kiddos. Together, we'll bring your favorite storybook characters to life and instill a passion for literature. Join us Saturday, January...