Love classic cars? Or have a car you'd like to show off? Come to the "Oldies But Goodies" Car Show at Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church's parking lot, a youth group fundraising event. Located at the corner of US 30 and Marshall Street in Merrillville,...
Trinity Lutheran School
Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church in Merrillville Offers Fantastic Vacation Bible Camp for Kids in 2015
All kids pre-K through 5th grade are invited to Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church of Merrillville's "Everest" Vacation Bible Camp. At "Everest," kids are anchored in rock-solid Bible truths that will guide them through life's challenges. Vacation...
Trinity Lutheran School to Host Open House on Tuesday, February 24. 2015
Trinity Lutheran School, Hobart, will hold an Open House from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, Tuesday, February 24. All prospective parents as well as returning families are welcome to attend the Open House at the school, 891 S. Linda Street., and visit the...
Wearin’ O’ the Green
Trinity Lutheran School, 891 S. Linda in Hobart, welcomes families to our OPEN HOUSE. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 11 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Join others for a leprechaun hunt, puppet show, cupcake decorating, and Irish music! For more...
Trinity Lutheran Invites You to Advent Services
"Star of Unity" Advent Services will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 900 Luther Drive, Hobart, Saturday, December 14 at 6:00 pm and Sunday, December 15 at 9:00 am. The Handbell Choirs will perform during the services. For more information contact...