Student Spotlight: Lowell High School hosts foreign exchange students nearly every year. In the 2017-2018 school year, Lowell gained a student from Switzerland, Carla Lechner. Carla quickly became liked among students and made many friendships...
Sarah Richardson
#1StudentNWI: Starting Up Summer
Community Member Spotlight: Throughout life, many people strive to leave a lasting impact on the world around them. While this isn’t always an easy task, Lowell resident Kerri Midkiff did so in many ways. In March of 2009, Kerri was diagnosed with...
#1StudentNWI: Lowell Wrapping Up the School Year
What’s Going On: Lowell competed well at the annual ISSMA competition this year. Concert band was one of the 5/12 teams to receive gold. Group and wind ensemble competed in group one, which plays the most difficult music. Out of that group, Lowell...
#1StudentNWI: Lowell Welcomes Spring
Student Spotlight: With baseball season in full swing, there’s a new lineup of varsity players ready to step-up for their team. Since it’s early in the season, the players are still working to find their niche as a unit. Still, there’s already...
#1StudentNWI: Talents Shine at Lowell
Student Spotlight: While some people are talented in one area, junior Jordan Harris is very talented in multiple aspects. Whether it’s with an instrument, using his voice, or on a golf course, Jordan’s talent shines. Harris began playing golf...
#1StudentNWI: Second Semester Kicks Off for Lowell
Staff Spotlight: Mr. Lewis is new to the Tri-Creek school corporation, and has been put in charge of teaching many business classes. Something many students don’t know about him is his high success in athletics, specifically soccer. He’s a great...
#1StudentNWI: Devils Warm Up the Winter
What’s Going On: Lowell enjoyed it’s Winter Break, getting some time off to celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year. Even though there were two weeks off of school, many students stayed busy. Both boy’s and girl’s basketball competed...
#1StudentNWI: Lowell Celebrates Football, Ugly Sweaters, and a New Season
What’s Going On: Lowell is known for having a good football team, but this year, the team took it to another level. Regionals took place at home and resulted in a win against the New Prairie Cougars with a final score of 25-20. Jordan Jusevitch had...
#1StudentNWI: Triumphant Teams and Track or Treat at Lowell
Student Spotlight: During Halloween season, haunted houses are a popular attraction for people looking for a scare. Lowell senior Madeline Bogathy has a unique perspective of these events as she’s the one behind the scenes making it all happen. Not...
#1StudentNWI: Lowell Strives for Success
What’s Happening School is back in full swing and September has been a month of transitioning from summer back into education. With the new school year comes new opportunities to get involved in the school and community through clubs and...