Get your 2022 off right by running through the street of the Town of Porter, Indiana. I have rented Hawthorne Park Community Center so we will be inside for sign ups, packet pick up, post race food and award ceremony. Coffee is the name of the game...
Love Is Love 5k Run/Walk will be held at beautiful Bluhm County Park in Westville, IN. The 5k run/walk will be on the paved bike trail across the street from the shelter located in the park. Parts of the proceeds benefit NWI Pride Events Inc. please...
Come to experience the beautiful Bluhm County Park by running the Bigfoot 5k trail run. The race occurs on September 26th starting at 9:00 am. See if you can find Bigfoot as he or she roams the course. If you get a picture or video of Bigfoot with...
Crazy Legs Race Series is with partnering Jade Construction for this beach clean up. We will meet at the pavilion and head east towards Michigan City collecting trash along the way. Areas where trash has been discovered at our last two clean ups are...
Come experience the beautiful Town of Porter by running this event on Sunday, September 6th. This race will be a 2 mile out and back course on pavement streets. We will be starting at Community Center at Hawthorne Park. I am encouraging you to grow...
Jennie Hamilton was a 2003 graduate of Purdue University Calumet who devoted her all-too-brief life to health and fitness. Jennie had a passion for endurance events and was always searching for tough races to test her abilities. At the time of her...
Crazy Legs Race Series was able to present a donation of $2,500 to the Dunes Learning Center through the sale of the "DUNES" t-shirts. Thank you for all those that purchased shirts for the fundraiser!
Love Is Love 5k Run/Walk will be held at beautiful Bluhm County Park in Westville, IN on June 21st. The 5k run/walk will be on the pavement bike trail across the street from the shelter located in the park. Parts of the proceeds benefit NWI Pride...
Crazy Legs Race Series wants you to stay active during this situation so we will be hosting a TP 10k Virtual Race. We will have it on May 2nd and you can perform the run/walk wherever treadmill, indoor or outdoors. You have from midnight May 2nd...
Come experience beautiful Creek Ridge County Park by running the Frozen 5k Trail Run on January 12th. The course is two loops around the park include in the course is one hill you will run twice. Terrain could be frozen, snow covered or dry start out...