Chris Mahlmann

CHANGE – Embrace it, Shape It, or Get The Heck Out of The Way

CHANGE – Embrace it, Shape It, or Get The Heck Out of The Way CHANGE – Embrace it, Shape It, or Get The Heck Out of The Way If you look up quotes related to the word change, you could be reading for days.  There are actually 92,700,000 examples or sites that that you can link to when you search Google for...

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Leaders are Paid Based on How They Need to be Spending their Time

Leaders are Paid Based on How They Need to be Spending their Time You may call yourself a business leader, but are you really doing what it takes to lead your business? Often times, when I work with small to mid-size business owners, they tell me that everyone in their company is just buried in their day-to-day...

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