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Veterans Build Comes Full Circle

Veterans-Build-Comes-Full-CircleHabitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana and the NWI Veterans Action Council had an idea in January of 2014. The idea was to provide housing for low-income local Veterans in Lake County, Indiana. Michael Sparber, Chairman for the Northwest Indiana Veterans Action Council stated, “Both of our organizations were aware of the need for this type of housing in Lake County and knew the challenges that lay ahead to get the word out to local residents, but we also knew that convincing our veteran population that many would qualify would be an even bigger challenge. It was a challenge that we overcame.”

Mr. Danna Carter is the 2014 Veteran’s Build home recipient. He is a single father, disabled veteran, raising his son. Mr. Carter applied for the home last summer and was accepted. Late this spring the home will be completed. A Home Dedication will be taking place next month to dedicate the house to Danna and his family. “This has been a dream come true for us”, Carter stated. “I am excited to see what the next chapter in my life brings.”

The home dedication will take place at the Carter residence which is located at 5905 Roosevelt St. in Merrillville, Ind. on April 9th at 5:30pm. Home dedications are open to the public and both Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana and the Northwest Indiana Veterans Action Council are encouraging the community to attend. “It’s a heartwarming experience,” Sparber said. “Those who are unable to attend the dedication will have a second chance to be involved at our Veterans Build Breakfast 2015.”

The Veterans Build Breakfast is a celebration of the completion of last year’s Veterans Build as well as the continuation of the partnership between the two organizations that will be held on April 24th at 8:30am in Merrillville at The Saint Elijah Serbian American Hall, 8700 Taft Street in Merrillville. Tickets are $25 per person and sponsorships are available.

If you would like to attend the breakfast please call 219-923-7265 ext. 304 or visit Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Indiana’s website at www.nwihabitat.org to purchase tickets online. For more information on the NWI Veterans Action Council visit their website www.nwiveterans.com.