Home»Features»Voices»The Glass is Half Full: United Way of Porter County’s Day of Caring, Pack-a-Palooza

The Glass is Half Full: United Way of Porter County’s Day of Caring, Pack-a-Palooza

glasshalffull“Glass Half-Full” is a new weekly segment you can hear on our Ideas in Motion Media sites that looks at the side of a story that’s rarely reported or focused on - the good news.

In the latest “Glass Half-Full” episode, AM 1420’s Brian Brophy encourages you to get involved with some great causes with the United Way of Porter County's Day of Giving project signups starting on June 1st, and the UWPC and Lake Area United Way's Pack-a-Palooza events right around the corner.

Click below to take a listen! Brian can also be heard each Sundays from 2pm - 4pm on AM 1420 WIMS. www.wimsradio.com.
