REGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Money personalities

REGIONAL federal credit union Financial Tip of the Month: Money personalities

Do you like to spend your money or save it for a rainy day? These are just some of the ways to describe your money personality, or your attitudes and habits when it comes to money. There are generally four types of personalities, and each has their own strengths and weaknesses.

  • The Spender: Enjoys spending money, but struggles with saving, debt, and impulse buying. Suggestions include setting aside funds in a savings account before spending, setting spending limits, and finding non-monetary ways to reward yourself.
  • The Saver: Excels at saving money and achieving financial goals but may be overly frugal, neglecting personal needs and desires. It's important to balance budgeting, allowing for spending on things that bring happiness.
  • The Balancer: Manages money well but can be overly cautious, leading to stress, indecisions and missed opportunities. Tips for the Balancer include being open to new investments and rewarding yourself for hard work.
  • The Investor: Strategic, willing to take risks, but may become overconfident and obsessed with money. It's important for investors to consider their goals, prioritize basic needs, and only invest in what they believe in.