Home»Other»Project Rebuild Celebrates 30 Families Who Overcame Truancy

Project Rebuild Celebrates 30 Families Who Overcame Truancy

PRB-grad-5-flyerProject Rebuild (PRB) is elated to announce the graduation of 30 families who successfully completed its truancy intervention and prevention program. Graduation will occur Tuesday, June 16th from 4:30pm-7pm in the Gary/Lake Room at the Gary Genesis Center, One North Genesis Plaza, Gary, IN.

Come join us, along with Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, Lake County Juvenile Court Judge Thomas Stefaniak, Municipal Judge Deidre Monroe (Gary), Indiana Department of Education Representative Daniel Bundridge, Congressman Peter Visclosky’s Chief of Staff Mark Lopez, and other county dignitaries, as we celebrate this great accomplishment and show our families that their community supports their journey towards family wellbeing and success.

The 5th Annual Graduation celebration will include: presentation of program completion certificates; testimonials from parents and students; words of encouragement from keynote speaker, Dr. Vanessa Allen of the Urban League of NWI; giveaways; food; and a mini-vendor fair. The mini-vendor fair’s goal is: 1) to ensure PRBs students have something innovative, educating and profitable (for the whole community) to do over the summer, and 2) to help connect PRBs parents to needed resources in our community. Please come join us and be part of the FUN!

About Project Rebuild
Project Rebuild is a collaborative effort with a demonstrated track record of success in addressing the growing problem of truancy in the City of Gary. Project Rebuild's core partners – the Gary City Court, the Gary Police Department, the Lake County Prosecutor's Office, and Indiana Parenting Institute – believe Gary’s truancy problem can be successfully eradicated by incorporating a rehabilitative component to an expedient truancy referral hearing process, and by the involvement of key community partners to achieve program success.

Project Rebuild is truly making a difference – reducing the problems of truancy, reuniting families, and making our community safer. By transforming the lives of our participants, we are rebuilding our state, city and county's most valuable resource – its people.

To learn more about Project Rebuild, please contact Tara Nelson, Program Administrator, at prbtruancy@gmail.com or at (219) 808-0106.