Home»Business»Development»Notice of 30-Day Public Comment Period for Transit Feasibility Studies for the Cities of Hobart and Portage

Notice of 30-Day Public Comment Period for Transit Feasibility Studies for the Cities of Hobart and Portage

nirpcThe Cities of Hobart and Portage have requested FTA funds to support studies to explore the potential for public transit in their respective communities. The comment period will begin Wednesday, December 10, 2014 and continue through Friday, January 9, 2015.

Both cities are requesting federal assistance in the amount of $120,000 each. Each city has committed to providing the local match of $30,000. Total anticipated cost of the proposed studies is $150,000 each.

Following the comment period the proposed projects will be presented for recommendation to the NIRPC Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) at their January 13, 2015 meeting. If approved by the TPC, the proposed TIP amendment goes to the NIRPC Board for final action at their January 15, 2015 full commission meeting.

Requests for information in alternate format may be directed to Mary Thorne at mthorne@nirpc.org. Comments may be directed to Stephen Sostaric at ssostaric@nirpc.org, or via phone at (219) 763-6060 (or Indiana Relay at (800) 743-3333 for hearing assistance), or mail to NIRPC, 6100 Southport Road, Portage, In. 46368.

This notice can be found on the NIRPC website at http://www.nirpc.org/resources-info/news/notice-30-day-public-comment-period-for-transit-feasibility-studies-for-the-cities-of-hobart-and-portage.aspx.

TTY users may access the Relay Indiana Service by calling 711 or

1-800-743-3333. Requests for alternative formats may be made 48 hours in advance by contacting Mary Thorne at 219-763-6060, ext. 131 or email to mthorne@nirpc.org.