Northwest Indiana Community Action and Housing Opportunities Unite to Foster Flourishing Communities

Northwest Indiana Community Action and Housing Opportunities Unite to Foster Flourishing Communities

Northwest Indiana Community Action (NWICA) and Housing Opportunities (HO) are pleased to confirm their merger, a strategic move aligned with each organization’s vision of cultivating prosperous communities throughout the region. This collaborative endeavor will enable both organizations to better serve their communities and clients, while addressing homelessness and promoting self-sufficiency on a larger scale. According to NWICA and Housing Opportunities leadership, both entities are financially stable and healthy, with no financial concerns for either entity.

At NWICA, the pursuit of flourishing communities lies at the heart of their mission. By joining forces with HO, NWICA reaffirms its commitment to empowering individuals and families, ensuring access to safe and stable housing, and promoting economic stability. This merger represents a significant step forward in achieving NWICA's long-standing objective of fostering communities where every resident can thrive.

The consolidation of NWICA and HO will provide a unique opportunity to address homelessness comprehensively in the community, while also focusing on the underlying causes and social determinants that contribute to housing instability. Through collaborative efforts and shared resources, the merged organization will be better positioned to implement innovative solutions, advocate for policy changes, and create pathways to economic independence.

"This merger exemplifies Northwest Indiana Community Action's dedication to helping individuals find opportunities, resources, and respect," stated Jennifer Trowbridge, President / CEO of NWICA. "By integrating the expertise of Housing Opportunities, we can strengthen our collective impact in addressing homelessness and promoting self-sufficiency. Together, we will work towards creating communities where every individual has access to safe and affordable housing, leading to overall well-being and a brighter future."

The merger emphasizes a holistic approach to community development, focusing on the importance of affordable housing as a foundation for individuals and families to thrive. By expanding its reach and deepening its impact, Housing Opportunities aims to address the critical need for affordable housing in the community. “By joining forces with Northwest Indiana Community Action, Housing Opportunities will be able to pursue our mission to resolve and prevent homelessness on a larger scale. Together, we can create an even greater positive impact in our communities." - Jordan Stanfill, CEO of Housing Opportunities

As both organizations move forward with the merger, they will continue to prioritize their shared commitment to flourishing communities. This includes leveraging their collective expertise, fostering community engagement, and developing collaborative initiatives that empower individuals and promote social and economic well-being.

The merger between NWICA and HO not only represents an expansion of their missions but also signifies a shared vision for a future where every community member has access to the resources and opportunities necessary for success. By working together, they can achieve greater outcomes and create lasting change throughout Northwest Indiana.

About Northwest Indiana Community Action:

Northwest Indiana Community Action is a prominent organization committed to empowering individuals and families in need through a range of programs and services. NWICA's dedication to addressing poverty, promoting self-sufficiency, and creating flourishing communities has made a significant difference in the lives of many within the region.

About Housing Opportunities:

Housing Opportunities is a dedicated organization that has worked tirelessly to resolve and prevent homelessness in Northwest Indiana for the past 20 years. Through its comprehensive services and community partnerships, HO has positively impacted countless lives, ensuring safe and stable housing for those in need.