The Indiana State Police at Lowell will be participating in the High Visibility Enforcement Project (HVE).
Data provided by Purdue University’s Center for Road Safety and Encompass have identified the most dangerous roadways in Indiana from 2010-2012. Fifty-three segments of roadways and intersections have been identified in 18 counties, which have accounted for 418 alcohol-related crashes in Indiana.
The Indiana State Police will be concentrating enforcement efforts including patrols and checkpoints to saturate these areas in an effort to reduce crashes involving motor vehicles, including motorcycles.
This increased enforcement period began June 1st and ends August 1, 2015.
ISP will continue our zero tolerance policy regarding impaired drivers, passenger restraint, graduated drivers license, and all motorcycle violations. Our goal is that strict enforcement of these violations will cause voluntary compliance and will therefore have a positive impact on personal injury and fatal crashes.
Those areas identified in the Lowell District which consists of Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Newton, Jasper, Starke and Pulaski Counties are:
Lake County:
US 41 and US 30
Kennedy Avenue-170th-171st Street
I-65 from 240 mm (Lowell exit)-256 mm (between 61st and Ridge Road)
I-80 from .05mm (east of state line)-14.5 mm (just east of Central Avenue)
Porter County:
I-94 from 25 mm ((just west of SR 49)-32.5 mm (Porter/LaPorte Line)
Starke County:
US 35 from 500S-SR20
Jasper County:
I-65 from 205 mm (Remington)-215 mm (Rensselaer)