Home»Other»Hammond YMCA Fitness Center Undergoes Renovation

Hammond YMCA Fitness Center Undergoes Renovation

Hammond-YMCA-Renovation-CollageOn Monday, September 14 at 11:00 am, Mayor Tom McDermott, Jr. and several employees came to the Hammond YMCA to see all of the updated fitness equipment The YMCA purchased L.E.D. lighting and several pieces of new cardio and weight equipment which was part of the Gaming grant from the City of Hammond. Our new CEO Laurie Halaska, Executive Director Jimmy Gonzales, YMCA staff also attended the event. Mayor McDermott was very pleased with the new look of the Fitness Center. Many employees enjoyed trying out the new cardio and weight machines.

Sharon Bohling, the Wellness Director was a big part in choosing the new cardio and weight equipment. A lot of aging fitness equipment was removed from the fitness center to make room for all of the new equipment. If you would like to come and see our renovated fitness center, please stop by the Y at 7322 Southeastern Avenue in Hammond.