What’s recently happened?
January is the darkest month of the year. For some, this may be dreadful, but for Andrean High School (AHS) students, the light of Christ kept January bright.
This month has been one of AHS’s lighter months. Between multiple snow days and long weekends, students have gotten the chance to take some time off.

While there haven’t been many events in January, the month has given students the opportunity to come out and support their peers on the Girls and Boys Basketball teams.
The teams have been putting up great fights against all teams and coming out victorious against most competitors.
A big highlight for the Girls Basketball team was AHS Senior Lindsay Arcella reaching her goal of 1,000 points in her high school career at one of the recent games. The Girls Basketball team also just won their Sectional game! They will advance to Regionals next weekend to compete to go to Semi-State.
January is a big month for Catholic schools all over the nation. January is a month that Catholic schools get recognized and honored through Catholic Schools Week. AHS students got a spirit wear day at the end of the week and a pep rally to show their Catholic spirit.
Since AHS students are so blessed to get an amazing Catholic education, the students work extra hard to give back to the community.
During Catholic Schools Week, students collected money to bring cookies to the local first responders, ran a used coat drive to give winter coats to families in need, and collected donations for women's shelters.
The first week of February is always filled with anticipation as the AHS Winter Formal rapidly approaches. Students begin purchasing tickets and formal attire. The week leading up to Winter Formal is also a week of dress-down days.
The themes for the week include Pajama Day on Monday, Jersey Day on Tuesday, Decades Day on Wednesday, and Mass Uniform on Thursday. Students have school off on Friday, February 14 for professional development and return to school after Presidents Day’ on Tuesday, February 18.
What’s coming up?
After the long weekend, the rest of February is back to the same routine. Both basketball teams will continue to have games for as long as they keep winning in playoffs, and the spring sports will continue their winter conditioning.

AHS students are also eagerly awaiting one big performance: the AHS Theatre troupe’s spring show!
The show has yet to be released, but auditions are coming up. Students are encouraged to come and try out even if they have no prior acting experience.
“Theatre is for everyone, and we would love to have our students come and try out,” says Director Jennifer Markovich.
With the coming of March comes the most anticipated senior event: Kairos. Kairos is a retreat for seniors where they take a break from everyday life, technology, and the pressure of today to connect with their peers in finding a common love for Christ. Students will be gone the first week of March and work to strengthen their relationships.
Staff spotlight:
Heather Holmes is the junior theology teacher. She has been a teacher at AHS since last year. Holmes has always known she wanted to be a teacher and felt like she was called to become a religion teacher last year.

Holmes has always taught elementary students, but when the job opportunity arose at AHS, she felt compelled to go for it.
Holmes works very hard to keep her students accountable and on the right track. She cares deeply for her students, and it shows every day. She brings in treats and plays games to make religion more than just another subject. She makes her class fun and unique so students have a better chance to remember what they are learning.
Holmes has always been a very good listener. She is a teacher students can turn to all the time for a good laugh and to get advice. This year, she says she is so excited to see her students’ prom pictures.
Her favorite part of AHS is being able to integrate God into her daily life.
“It’s nice that we take the time out of our daily lives to pray. It really makes a difference,” she said.
She believes that AHS works the way it does because everyone is unique and has God-given gifts that make them who they are.
Student spotlight:
Delaney Myers is a freshman at AHS. She played JV volleyball in the fall and is currently on the Varsity Girls Basketball team.
Myers knew she wanted to come to AHS because her dad works there and her brother goes there as well.

Myers is an all-around great athlete who puts everything she has into whatever sport she is playing with immense passion and drive, while maintaining a positive and sportsman-like attitude.
Myers has been playing volleyball at her middle school since sixth grade and travel basketball since she was in third grade.
Myers has come on to the Girls Basketball team not only as a freshman but as a starter as well.
“As Regionals approaches, I am a little nervous, but I have a lot of confidence in my team. I believe we will win,” she said.
Myers’ goal for the rest of high school is to maintain a high GPA and continue to play varsity-level sports and win multiple Sectional, Regional, and hopefully State championships.
Myers’ favorite part of AHS is School Mass. She loves getting to come together with other students to focus on a Christ-centered community.
She is grateful for all of the new friends she has made this year and can’t wait to see their relationship grow.
Myers is a force on and off the court. She is driven yet humble and will definitely go on to do great things.