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Fun Times Rocking the Region with the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce

rock-the-region-review-1Last week the Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce set out for some lofty goals and I was glad to be part of their efforts behind the scenes as they prepared to #RockTheRegion. The chamber set out a goal for recruiting over 100 new members to their chamber.

When they started looking into the number of different ways a chamber could go out and recruit new members they knew they had to do it the right way. They sought out help from a company called Membership180, helping the chamber go above and beyond for all of these new members. As a member of the LIFE sites team, I found this to be one of the most interesting and promising aspects because I thought so much about how this is exactly how we look at our partners. We want every client to say how much they love working with us. Chris, our owner, often says we would rather be annoying in making sure we're communicating everything we can rather than under-perform on behalf of those who support us. This is exactly the same mindset the Crossroads Regional Chamber will have with all of their new members.

rock-the-region-review-2The two-day recruitment was split into shifts. Each day had a morning and afternoon shift lead by a team leader. The team leaders were picked specifically for their competitive nature. Each group was so different, but all with the common goal. "Call the people you know, like and trust. Tell them why they should join the chamber."

I really thought this was something that will truly set these new chamber members up for success. They were not cold-calling random strangers. They were calling people who help them in their daily lives. Chamber members were encouraged to call their hair stylist, mechanic, lawn care company, cleaning business and many others who help them in their daily business and personal lives. I personally sat in as the social media connection for the chamber during three out of four sessions. During the afternoon session on Wednesday, Rick Calinski from NIPSCO was one of the team leaders. I was so impressed by his passion and encouragement towards his team. He was so ready to pump up his team and get them to be the best team for the Crossroads Regional Chamber. He had his team all wear football type clothing and really rallied as one of the best teams of the day.

rock-the-region-review-3I went back for the afternoon shift on Thursday to see the day wrap-up. Shirley Dunn with Allstate Insurance, who is very active within the Crossroads Chamber, was so pumped for her team. She was cheering for them with every new member. She was bound and determined to be the best team to represent the Crossroads Regional Chamber. The amount of support the Crossroads Chamber received from their members goes to show how hard their team works for the community. By the end of Thursday they had 70 new members to their chamber and still had until Friday at 4pm to continue to push their campaign

The Crossroads Regional Chamber went above and beyond to show hospitality to everyone that helped them. It was so nice to learn how the chamber strongly supports helping making Lake County bigger and better for everyone. The new chamber members should be excited to be part of a chamber who is willing to go so many lengths to #RockTheRegion.