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Crown Point Public Safety Agencies Give Tips for Halloween

Crown Point Public Safety Agencies Give Tips for Halloween

Crown Point Fire Rescue, Emergency Management (EMA) and Police will be in the community patrolling the streets and passing out glow necklaces/ bracelets for trick-or-treaters to increase visibility during trick-or-treating. Crown Point Fire Rescue offers these tips from kidssafefoundation.org to help trick-or-treaters stay safe this Halloween:

• Adult supervision is always recommended for young children. This is not only due to concerns about predators in our midst, but more about keeping kids safe from distracted drivers and prevent them from wandering off in the chaos of many costumed groups of people. TIPS FOR KIDS VENTURING OUT ON THEIR OWN

• Stay visible: Carry a flashlight — Use a real one, it’s more fun than using a phone — wear glow sticks, use reflective goodie bags and add reflective tape to costumes.

• Only use phone if necessary: Establish a designated check in time for an update.

• Stay on the sidewalk: Avoid the road when going house to house. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic and as far to the side as possible.

• Cross at street corners: Always look both ways when crossing, use well-lit crossings and never cross the road between parked cars.

• Do not assume the right-of-way: Motorists may have trouble seeing trick-or-treaters.

• No lights on, no visitors: Only go to homes that are being visited by others and have lights on.

• Tell your child NOT to eat any candy until you have looked it over: Explain any candy, even if it is a favorite, must be thrown out if it is open in any way.

• Do not approach dogs you do not know: Always ask the dog’s owner for permission before approaching, even with dogs you know.

• Do not talk to anyone driving by in a car: Review this with your kids. If an adult needs help, they should ask another adult — not kids. They have permission, if approached by someone in a car, to yell, “No!” and run in the opposite direction the car is facing and contact their trusted adults immediately.

“Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for firefighters,” Kodicek said. “Following these basic safety precautions can help prevent injuries and save lives.” Call 911 in the case of an emergency. The city of Crown Point wishes you a happy and safe Halloween.