Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Clock Tower Model Boat Race Comes to Lake George in Hobart

Clock Tower Model Boat Race Comes to Lake George in Hobart

Lake George was buzzing with the sounds of model boat engines as the City of Hobart hosted the Clock Tower Model Boat Race. Members of the International Model Power Boat Association (IMBPA) were racing with fellow model boat enthusiasts from the North American Model Boat Association (NAMBA).

The event was free to the public. It runs from September 5-8, 2013 between the hours of 8am-6pm in downtown Hobart. The boats are racing a course on Lake George at up to 70 mph. Event organizers are also holding a raffle with many different prizes to award.

Stu Barr, organizer or the event, stated that there were 82 competitors from all over the country, some international. Everyone was racing for the coveted Clock Tower Trophy. Barr also presented other good-humored awards to competitors, such as the “Bonehead Move of the Day Award.”

Walking around the competitor’s tents, the array of model boats was endless. Some of these competitors were local, but many have traveled to be a part of this event.

Jerry Thompson is an IMBPA member that has been racing boats for over 20 years. He hails from Crete, IL.

He makes the trek to Hobart because he, “Loves this town.” He went on to say that, “[The city of Hobart] goes all out for us and really makes us feel welcome.”

NAMBA member Alan Hobbs has been racing model boats for over 40 years. Hobbs is from Cascade, Montana and has been to four of the five Clock Tower races hosted by the city of Hobart.

“It was a fun place and I really enjoy it.” He jokingly adds, “It keeps me out of trouble and off the street.”

Harold Graff has been racing with his brother for 20 years and he said, “My favorite part of the whole thing is that it is relaxing. The people are nice and friendly. Sometimes my wife comes with me and we make a vacation out of it.”

Not everyone was there to relax. Greg Hahn has been racing model boats for about five years. A former model airplane racer, Hahn thoroughly enjoys the competition that model boat racing brings.

If you have never seen a model boat race, take a walk down Lake George’s river walk this weekend. It is good fun for every member of the family.