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Air One Has Moved!

Air-One-New-Location-2From the old location on Lincolnway, Air One Custom Photography has made its new home at the corner of Jefferson and Washington. The new place is bright and easily accessible, perfect for a prosperous photography business.

"We were looking to downsize and I want to be more of a destination," Air One owner Brad Cavanaugh said. "The new space is great. It's so much brighter than the old location and it helps me to be more efficient with my equipment."

Now Air One is physically half the size that it was when in its old location. Does that mean that the services and offerings are less? Absolutely not! In fact, Cavanaugh revealed that he is now able to do more for his customers than ever before.


"We're adding new services," Cavanaugh said. "We now do low level aerial video whereas before it was only done at higher altitudes, but now we are doing lower street level stuff for real estate and construction customers."

This enables Cavanaugh to serve more customers in more ways!

Head on over to the new location for Air One Custom Photography and check it out. Talk to Brad Cavanaugh to find out all of the new changes that are happening with the business and admire the new space.