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#1StudentNWI: Testing, State, and More at the ACCU

#1StudentNWI: Testing, State, and More at the ACCU

What’s Happening at the ACCU

Area Career Center University is currently full of students counting down the days to spring break. With our program having college classes, this means these couple of weeks have been full of college rigor mid-term exams. Mid-terms are used to show student comprehension and retainment and allows teachers to accommodate students who need help.

Students, juniors more specifically, are getting ready for the SATs and the second session for I-STEP+. The students have to pass the I-STEP+ test as a graduation requirement. The SAT is another future-defining test for a student’s future. The SAT is a test that colleges use as a measure and requirement for admittance into their college or specific program. A goal for anyone taking the SATs is to score high enough to be a National Merit Scholar. This title is not just only bragging rights, but scholarships and increased chances for getting into the college of the student's dreams.

In addition to testing, students at the ACCU voluntarily participated in the March 14th walkout to bring awareness to gun violence and the tragic event in Parkland, FL. Two major academic events, HOSA and NHD, are coming and going quickly at the school. The ACCU NHD team won first at the St. Mary’s competition and are moving on to state. The group will be going down to Indianapolis on April 14th. The HOSA kids are taking their required tests and filming their PSA. This year the PSA’s required topic is on diabetes and the team is comprised of five students. The HOSA state competition is April 9th through the 11th.

Student Spotlight

1Student-ACCU-March-2018-02Marissa Jones is a senior at the Area Career Center University. Her favorite part of school is the scheduling. At the ACCU, schedules are on a block system. This means students have four classes in one day and then another four the next day. Marissa likes this because she is not loaded down with a lot of work every day. This scheduling also means students have two nights to do homework for each set of classes.

Marissa’s main hobby is hanging out with friends. With school and work, her life allows little free time. When she is with friends, it is purely free time and she can enjoy herself.

Her main accomplishment this year is remaining number two at Clark and almost being done with her associate’s degree. Marissa has also effectively balanced work and school. She is able to work the hours they give her and still complete her work. Marissa is in the Health Careers pathway at the ACCU. Marissa is using the information she learns here to become a paramedic.

Marissa’s favorite quote is “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

As previously stated, Marissa is on track to graduate with an Associate of Science this June. She is one of the star students at ACCU. She conducts herself professionally every second of the day. She is a perfect example of what the ACCU student is: intelligent, professional, and determined.

Student Spotlight

1Student-ACCU-March-2018-03Imarea Rivera is a junior at the Area Career Center University. Her absolute favorite part of school is the great atmosphere it provides to students.

She said, “The children do not fight and we all have the implied notion to act mature.”

She also likes the fact that this program gives students a lot of great opportunities. She has been able to see many crime scene scenarios and court cases while in her Criminal Justice program.

Imarea is an amazing artist and uses her talents to make posters and other art for the teachers at the ACCU. She considers art one of her main hobbies. Another hobby she has is going to Buffalo Wild Wings. She loves the food and considers it an important part of her life. She plays volleyball, basketball, and is on the track and field team for Hammond High.

Some of her accomplishments include being accepted into the ACCU. She is proud of herself for being able to balance school and sports. She is proud that she can not only balance these two, but be successful in both.

Imarea is in the Criminal Justice pathway at the ACCU. When she graduates and goes to college, she wants to switch to mechanical engineering. She is still undecided on where she wants to work in the future, but is an amazing example of an ACCU student. She is determined in her studies and with her sports. She always lifts the mood of the room with unexpected jokes.

Next with the ACCU

1Student-ACCU-March-2018-04Seniors are counting down to the day of graduation. The average ACCU senior has a total of three ceremonies to attend for graduation. The seniors will have a ceremony at ACCU and then they will have the main ceremony with their home school.

For those students who receive an associate or certification, Vincennes University allows ACCU to join their graduation. This group of seniors will be ACCU’s second graduating class. This means that half of the legacy classes, or the first four classes who have filled the school, will have moved on to college.

While prom is sneaking up quickly, planning has remained on target for the school. The students are planning their dresses, suits, and color schemes to make their night great. With the prom being a month away, there are more important occurrences the students need to get through first. The rest of the ACCU, besides Clark, has to take their SATs and get a score that pleases them. There is also a portion of students who will need to take the second part of the ISTEP+ test. Then the NHD and HOSA groups have to compete in their state level competition and bring home “the gold.”

The ACCU wishes luck to all students taking the I-STEP+ and the SATs this month and school year. A simple reminder is to eat breakfast and get the recommended eight to ten hours of sleep the night before.