#1StudentNWI: Fun Events and Fun Students at South Central High School

The regular season may be over, but it's just the beginning for the South Central football team! With their current record of five and four and the efforts of head coach, Stevens, the team is bound to put up a fight at their first Sectionals game! This game takes place Friday, October 23 (probably after this is published) at South Newton!

With such a large number of seniors this year, the amount of effort and adrenaline is bound to be astounding! South Central's football team practices every chance they can get to keep the season well and alive!

The seniors this year include Skyler Thomas, Ben Morrow, Jacob Clindaniel, Caleb Notaro, Noah Eaton, Keegan Young, and Stone Zabel. These seven seniors have been playing football their whole lives and will surely provide a game worth watching this Friday night!

Marching Band
If you asked normal people if marching band was a sport, they would tell you it's not. Ask a band kid, and they would laugh that you even asked.

Marching band is more than everyone thinks. Not only do you march, you also memorize music, play that music, and remember your spot on the field. Still don't think it's a sport? Try doing this and 90° heat in a marching band uniform. Most people couldn't do that, but marching band kids can.

Here at South Central, marching band season is over, but it's just beginning again as a school sport. South Central lost track of their team until five years ago when Mr. Scheck started the program once again. The current team of around 35 kids is expected to increase by large numbers because two-thirds of lower grades are involved in band.

This means that the team will continue to grow for years and years! Because of this, Mr. Scheck told me that they need to buy even more uniforms for incoming students. He also hopes to compete in future years. With marching band being such an individual-driven sport, every single person is needed at all times. Marching band is not an extracurricular which limits students' capabilities to commit fully (due to South Central being such a small school).

Mr. Scheck said, "Everyone is needed to succeed. We can't all just rely on one or a few people, we all need each other. Everyone is important." Marching band is such an inviting and pride-filled sport where everyone is equally important.

This newer addition to the South Central clubs is increasing its numbers at this very second. Robotics club was added just last year and has a large number of members already.

Last year's success of a second place position has sparked the interest of many. The instructors, Ms. Fero and Mr. Siford, have a group of 30 plus students involved in the 2015-2016 year. These 30 students make up three different teams with three different robots. These teams compete at qualifying competitions in hopes of making it to the state level robotics contest.

These contests are put on by the First Robotics Association where the South Central team competes in the First Tech Challenge. Each year, the challenge or "game" is changed and the teams must create a robot to complete said game. These games provide the teams points for certain tasks completed. Points go toward the final score that determines the placement of teams. Even if you do not gain enough points to compete, you are able to win other awards. Last year, South Central won the "Best Rookie" award.

While you may think that all the club is about is to build a robot, that is just a small portion of what these students must go through. Different teammates have different roles. Some will build. Some will program the robots. Some drive, some coach, and some present. At the competition, the students must complete the game, present the judges with an engineering notebook, and explain their robot for all to hear. As you can see, the Robotics program is complex yet a great experience as well as a great learning tool in engineering, math, and science!

Dungeons and Dragons
A new addition to South Central's clubs is coming to a start! A popular game that goes by the name of Dungeons and Dragons has entered the South Central High School. Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. In D&D, each player creates their own specific character. The characters embark on an imaginary quest that is designed by the "Dungeon Master." Together, the characters and Dungeon Master solve dilemmas, engage in battles, and gather treasure and knowledge. In the process, the characters earn experience points to become increasingly powerful over a series of sessions.

The South Central Dungeons and Dragons Club currently has 20 members that meet every Thursday. There are three to four different groups per meeting, depending on attendance. The ages within the club range from 12-18. Club members bring their own supplies which include: books, dice, character sheets, pencils, and creativity. The Dungeons and Dragons club gives students the opportunity to use their imaginations, problem solve, work together, and communicate without the use of social media. The groups can get a little loud and passionate sometimes, which is nice to see in school.

Homecoming Follow-Up
The night everyone was waiting for is now gone and passed, but it still remains as the best week of the school year so far. The week was full of good thoughts and crazy costumes. The week's themes were new and fun for not only students but also the teachers and faculty.

The themes for the week were Formal Monday, Tacky Tourist Tuesday, Workout Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and the classic, Crazy Red, White, and Blue Day! Wednesday night was the intense game of Junior vs Senior Powder Puff football. Many people attended to watch the injury-filled game.

After members of the teams received bruised faces, black eyes, broken fingers, and a few concussions, the game ended in a tie between the rivals. Although it was disappointing for them both, the results ended in laughs and hugs all around. At the game on Friday, the stands filled up. Families and fans alike invested their undivided attention to the game.

At halftime, the Rockettes and marching band both performed. Following the entertainment was the crowning of homecoming king and queen. Anticipated whispers filled the crowd as the results were announced. Childhood friends Blake Werner and Riley Popplewell were crowned as the 2015 representatives.

Although the game against North Newton was completed with a loss, had dampened spirits. It's safe to say that this year's homecoming was one for the books!

Haunted House
Coming up is a spooky and successful tradition that everyone loves here at South Central! The Student Council will be holding their annual Haunted House. This is a large event with over 30 workers. These workers are the members of Student Council. The ones who participate determine what they would like to dress up as and then decorate the school for a haunting night. Over the years, hundreds and hundreds of families and peers brave their ways through the haunted halls.

The council members hide around every corner and never fail to receive a number of shrieks from kids and adults alike. This event helps fund the South Central Student Council for now and years to come. This well-attended event will take place Wednesday, October, 28 from 6 pm to 8 pm. Come out and support our clubs and get a good scare in while you're at it!