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#1StudentNWI: Devils Warm Up the Winter

#1StudentNWI: Devils Warm Up the Winter

What’s Going On:

Lowell enjoyed it’s Winter Break, getting some time off to celebrate the holidays and ring in the new year. Even though there were two weeks off of school, many students stayed busy.

Both boy’s and girl’s basketball competed in tournaments over break. The boys traveled to Bloomington and though they played hard, they fell short to Bloomington South who is ranked 8th in the state, and the highly skilled Evansville Harrison. They got a hard fought win against Marquette Catholic with a final score of 70-66. Lead scorers for this game were freshman Chris Mantis with 22 points and senior Noah Durr with 21 points.

The girl’s stayed local and played in the Hanover Winter Classic. During the first game they faced off against the favored Munster Mustangs and played one of their best games of the season. Earlier in the season, Lowell fell to Munster 55-22. In the tournament, the girls played with confidence and were only down by 2 at halftime. The final score was 44-35 as they were forced to foul to end out the game. The girl’s captured a win against Griffith with a final score of 52-17.

The Winter weather has officially hit Northwest Indiana with full force. With temperatures dropping well below freezing, Lowell has had cancellations and delays to start of the 2018 portion of the school year.

Student Spotlight:

1Student-Lowell-January-2018-01Perfect records in any sport are hard to come by. Some sports prove to be even harder than others to achieve a perfect record. Wrestling is an extremely personal sport, as you’re one on one with competitors from far and wide. With only yourself to rely on, one has to compete relentlessly without ever falling short. So far, junior Andres Moreno has this sought after flawless record, and the season is looking positive for him.

Moreno picked up wrestling in 5th grade to help himself gain confidence against the larger, more intimidating kids.

“I was just really small and got picked on a lot so my dad recommended that I try wrestling, so I did. I loved it and it just got better from there," explained Moreno.

Indeed it has gotten better, as he now has a 22-0 record for the season.

Over the weekend of December 29-30, the Lowell Wrestling team traveled to Mishawaka High School to compete in the highly competitive Al Smith Invitational. With many highly ranked wrestlers in the state in Moreno’s bracket, a championship win wasn’t going to be easy to come by. Wrestling in the 113 pound weight-class, Moreno fought hard and came out victorious with a first place title over Alex Petro of Center Grove High School.

Moreno credits his success to his unbreakable confidence stating, “I didn’t ever have a time where I was not confident in what I did. I knew all my hard work would pay off.”

For the remainder of the season, Andres has his sights set high.

“I just want to show everyone what I’m made of,” said Moreno.

He’s striving towards an undefeated season, leading into a state championship. With the way the season is looking so far, these goals seem very attainable. As for the future of his wrestling career, he hopes to keep it going for as long as he can. Lowell is cheering on Moreno as he works towards his ultimate goal.

Staff Spotlight:

1Student-Lowell-January-2018-02Lowell’s radio and television program has gone through a lot of revamping this school year, and much of this improvement can be accredited to Mr. Mclindon. He brings experience and passion to his newly acquired television program.

Early in his life, Mr. Mclindon had no interest in pursuing a career in television. Once he took four years of television classes in high school and worked his way up to senior advisor of the program, he discovered that his true calling was in television.

He’s had much success in his career, gathering a wide variety of work experience. He’s filmed soccer games for ESPN, football for Region Sports Network, worked on women’s professional football live streams for WJOB, been a video producer at ideas in media motion, and what he considers the highlight of career, was an associate producer for the show Windy City Live.

As of now, he’s focusing on reshaping and restructuring the Red Devil Network, which is Lowell’s television program. Currently, he teaches Radio and TV 1, and Radio and TV 2, which are the only television classes Lowell offers. He bases these classes off of the real world and focuses on teaching the fundamentals needed to succeed in the television industry.

In Radio and TV 2, the students produce a variety infotainment show called the Friday Show. Every 2-3 weeks, a new show is broadcasted to the whole school. Mr. Mclindon has observed that the students that work on the Friday Show have a new attitude toward the program, they seem excited to produce quality content that they know a large audience will see.

Mr. Mclindon hopes to add an Intro to Communications class in order to have a nice succession of classes for students to really pick up fundamentals and enhance them as they go. If you are interested in watching any of the content RDN has produced, click here!

What’s Coming Up:

1Student-Lowell-January-2018-04On January 7th, the football team is getting fitted for their state runner-up rings at their awards banquet. On January 15th, there is no school due to Martin Luther King Jr Day.

On Sundays throughout the remainder of the winter, Lowell High School hosts Junior Red Devils basketball games. This is a league for elementary-school aged kids to start their Red Devil careers. At the end of January, the girl’s basketball team will compete in sectionals for a chance to further advance their season.

On February 10, Lowell is having it’s 2nd annual Turnabout Dance. At this dance, girls ask guys to be their date to the dance, rather than the traditional opposite. Last year was the first year this dance was done at Lowell, and was a replacement for Winter Formal. There was a successful turn-out last year, and they are hoping for the same this year. The theme for the dance is Dazzle Him in Diamonds.