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#1StudentNWI: A Final Farewell and Until Next Time at Hammond High School

#1StudentNWI: A Final Farewell and Until Next Time at Hammond High School

What’s Happening
The school year of 2015-16 has come to an end, the seniors have began their next chapter in life and the upcoming seniors have received their tickets for the journey that is to come for them. This is not going to be any ordinary article but it is going to be a farewell and a “see you again” one.

This past year has been a whirlwind for many of the HHS students’ including myself. There is a long road ahead to still overcome but to graduate high school is a special milestone for many in their life. There are so many students to be the first to walk the stage or the first to graduate with honors. Either way, I want to send my gratitude to every high school senior that is part of the class of 2016. It is very touching to see the tassels hang from the hats and to hear all the cheerful laughs and the celebrating atmosphere.

However there is something that needs to stay in the mind of those that have graduated, think of this as advice you can apply to any situation in your life. Now this may be corny, but I am currently obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy, ( it is so great by the way! ) but anyways the character Ellis Grey said “the carousel never stops turning”, to myself I feel that she is emphasizes what childhood brings us. We all rush to jump on that one ride and go fast. Which is the way most of us think about growing up, we just want to be independent and on our own.

What we fail to realize is that everything does go in the blink of an eye. It’s a huge clique but very justifying in many cases. We can’t make the ride go any slower or faster, but what we can do is cherish the time we have on this ride, there is no time for “should of, could of, or would of”.

It’s time to own up to our responsibilities and prove everything we have been waiting to prove since we have taken our first steps. We put things off, things that seem so simple, but everyday is not guaranteed. We owe this step to ourselves, families, friends and the future generations to come. Reflect on the carousel and continue to enjoy the ride even if you didn’t get the seat you wanted, because the best seat or no seat, there is someone that is praying they even had a chance to experience this carousel.

Hammond-HS-1StudentNWI-May-2016-2What’s coming up
The summer air is starting to rise, the school hallways will be empty and the new anticipation of the next school year will be creating butterflies in students' stomachs. All that is to be expecting is the class of 2017, and the preparation of the fall sports as the aim to prepare for their seasons in conditioning. They hold a lot on their sleeves, cleats and gloves. The class of 2016 left with a lot of huge athletes and chemistry. Now it's left to these wildcats to prove what they have in them to bring to field.

Hammond-HS-1StudentNWI-May-2016-3Teacher Spotlight
There is no specific teacher to be shining in the spotlight but every teacher who has taught a student HHS whether it be how to solve a math problem or have helped them overcome barriers in their life. Teachers are very empowering people, we may sometimes see them as a bother but when it comes down to it, we will all look back at a situation and really think to ourselves how lucky we were to be put in an educational environment with those teachers that have laid it all out on the line to build students that will take their knowledge with them in the real world. It was an honor to myself, and many other students to have met these teachers. They have influenced the wildcats on so many levels, there are not enough “thanks” to show our appreciation; however, we can continue to make them proud by being ourselves and applying everything we have learned to our futures.

Hammond-HS-1StudentNWI-May-2016-4Student Spotlight
The seniors were honored with an award ceremony, the were given awards for their accomplishments they succeed in their four years at HHS. They wore their caps and gowns as a symbol of success to motivate the underclassmen to strive high in their expectations for themselves. So many students were awarded the Presidential award, it was very inspiring to hear the applause and the engaging facial expressions on the underclassmen's faces. There are not many words that can describe the atmosphere, there were so many tears of pride and joy. Motivation was sent out in the crowd, and the spotlight that needs to be given and shared is focused on the entire graduating class of 2016 wildcats. They were the biggest graduating class to walk the stage for many years and because of them, many standards were set and will continue to be meet for years to come.