Whoever would've thought that going to Six Flags would be a part of the class curriculum? Well at the Porter County Career and Technical Center, all things are possible.
Recently, students from the Career Center performed a market study at the famous theme park. The objective was to gather information from guests at the park and bring it back to class and incorporate what they learned into their own theme park design. Although the weather was forecasted to rain, the day turned out lovely and the rain held off until the bus ride home. Mrs. Kelly Ellis, Mrs. Kate Sorenson, and Mrs. Jennifer Gaulin were all chaperones on the trip. They even participated in the fun and rode nearly every ride. As most students were able to conquer the massive drops and twists of the theme park, they successfully gathered the information needed to complete their theme park designs.
On Tuesday night, several students from the Career Center were recipients of scholarships from the Porter County Community Foundations. They were honored at Strongbow's Banquet Center and also received gift cards to staples to help pay for college school supplies. Tables were filled with families and recipients of the scholarships being granted.
Once a full course dinner was served, the awards program took place honoring all of those students who have worked hard throughout the school year and planned to pursue a college education. It was a very proud moment for the students and their families, as this banquet indicated that college is truly, just around the corner. It is so awesome that the Career Center not only educates you before you get to college, but also provides ways for you to earn scholarships and work study programs to help pay for that future education. It is amazing, the care that the students receive from Mr. Jon Groth and all of the other teachers and staff at the Career Center.
In preparation for that college departure, students in the Health Occupations course are working hard to get their CNA licenses in time for graduation. In the first semester of this course, students spend class time learning anatomy, medical terminology, and basic nursing skills. By the time second semester comes around, they are well equipped to work at off sight clinicals and eventually transition into nursing homes.
Morgan Lippens, a senior from Morgan Township, says that “This course is great because it allows us to begin our careers before we even go to college. We get practical experience and can work as CNAs while still in school."
As the class is finishing strong, we are all excited for their future as they become doctors, nurses, and anything they set their mind to. The Health Occupations class provides great hands on training that one day may even be put into practice on you or me!
The last day for most of the vocational classes offered at the Porter County Career and Technical Center is May 29th. After this date, many students will graduate while others will come back for their second year at vocational.
I have to say, I never planned on taking vocational classes before, but I am so glad that I did. My advice to any underclassmen reading this article, take a vocational course. If you are unsure of what you want to do in college or what your career goal is, vocational is the best way to find out. Even if you find out that a certain field isn’t right for you in the process, at least you will know before you get to college. Spending half of my school days at the Career Center has made ending the school year bittersweet. I have met so many people and had so many opportunities along the way. I know one thing is for sure, I would probably be running around like a chicken with my head cut off had I not enrolled in a vocational course.
Instead, I am confidently going to Purdue West Lafayette to double major in Hospitality and Tourism Management and German, all thanks to the passions, standards, and people I was influenced by at the Porter County Career and Technical Center. It is truly a blessing to everyone in the community. Students graduate from their high schools as members of the technical honor society, as licensed CNAs, future entrepreneurs, and most importantly they graduate as well prepared young adults.