Sgt. Dan Mawhorr is a 21 year veteran of the Indiana State Police that started his career on December 20, 1993. Yesterday, Christmas Eve, Sgt. Mawhorr was working as the Post Commander (PC) of the Ft. Wayne Indiana State Police Post when he received what indirectly turned out to be a Happy Employment Anniversary thank you card from members of the Ft. Wayne community, Flo & Dan Mauch.
Sgt. Mawhorr was so moved by this gesture he shared Mr. & Mrs. Mauch’s card, along with his own personal message of thanks, with every member of the Indiana State Police.
I thought the Mauch’s card, as well as Sgt. Mawhorr’s message, was worthy of sharing. I hope you think so as well and will pass on this “Thank You.”
Sgt. Mawhorr’s note:
To all sworn and civilian employees,
As I sit here at Fort Wayne PC, an older gentleman came in and I asked him if I could help him. The man just handed me a small envelope containing a homemade card. He just stated that he wanted to thank “us” for everything we do. This made me think, with all the bad press we have been getting we don’t hear from the people who do appreciate us. The news doesn’t report that because it is not news worthy. So I wanted everyone on the department to see this card. I also want to express my sincere thanks to all of our civilian workers. We as officers usually get all the praise; however without all the hard work that our non-sworn employees do, the officers would not be able to do their jobs. I don’t think the general public understands all the “behind the scene” work that is being done for the officers. I don’t want to insult anyone and miss a job description of our civilian employees, so I will just say THANK YOU to everyone for all you do for the sworn employees.
As the card states, “These are difficult times for our Law Enforcement Officers.” I just want everyone to keep their heads up with pride and continue to do what WE all do. Watch out for each other because there are persons who want to do us harm. Continue to work the way you were trained and block out the press. Enjoy the time with your family and friends; hug your loved ones a little longer when you can. This is a wonderful time of year. And remember that there are a lot more people that embrace what we do compared to the ones who want to cause us harm.