Event Information
Enter your car or truck in this spectacular car show or join the Town of Munster for a terrific display of vehicles. Trophies will be awarded to 15 different fun categories as well as “Best of Show” and “People’s Choice."
Entry forms are available in the park office and at local area business sponsors. Market vendors, business vendors, artists and crafters, and food concessions.
SEEKING: Sponsors and auto, business, and arts & crafts vendors.
Call (219) 836-PARK for more information.
Early Bird Registration: $20 (judged vehicles) | On-Site: $25 (judged vehicles) | Grassy Area On-Site: $10 (non-judged vehicles) Fees to participate as a sponsor: $500 includes: name on trophy, logo on t-shirt, advertising recognition, logo on marketing material, signage, website, emails and summer recreation guide ad.