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Why WE LOVE Being Active in NWI

Why WE LOVE Being Active in NWI

We love to be active. We love to sweat. We love to eat healthy. We love to push ourselves to the limit and then pass it. But why? It hurts. We’re tired. We get sore and dirty, then ravenous after the strenuous activities that we put ourselves through. It’s tough and tricky, sweaty and strenuous, and man oh man… carbs everywhere.

Yeah, that’s the beginning and middle. But in the end, when the race is over, when the workout is done, when mile 10 has come and gone, when your jeans from 20 pounds ago fit again, when the doctor says that you no longer need to take those pills for high blood pressure, when you beat your best time, when you beat diabetes… then you’ll know why we love it.

"If She Can Do It, So Can I!"

"Today is my Runiversary,"Valparaiso High School teacher, Debbie Shaffer said following the Foot Pursuit 5K this past Saturday at Sunset Hill Farms.

Shaffer, a Nutrition & Wellness teacher, has been running for just over a year. While on vacation, she was shocked by how out of breath she was while hiking. This, combined with a photo from the trip, made her decide it was time to make some lifestyle changes. The next day, she joined Weight Watchers Online and started walking. Three months later, she had lost 20 pounds. One morning, while reading the paper, she noticed a woman running down her street.

Click here to read the entire story!


Live LIFE the Healthy Way!

This week's submission for the Active in NWI is provided by Tom Seely of Chesterton, IN. Seely is the General Manager of Pine Ford Lincoln in La Porte, IN, a family man, and as active as they come.

Read on to see Seely's straight-forward approach to being active in NWI.


"I Needed Something to Do."

This week's Active in NWI is proof that the best things come when you least expect them and from the most unexpected places. Becky Kreiger, the Recreation Director for Porter County Parks and Recreation shares her story about how she came back to Indiana when she was in a tough spot in her life. She began to run and things began to turn around, one step at a time.

Find out the rest of the store by clicking here!


New Girl in Town

We have a newcomer writing this week. Her name is Michelle McCaskey and she moved to NWI only a few years ago. Only a few years to fall for the region? That's not unusual when the people here eat awesome for breakfast topped with awesome sauce.

So please direct your attention to the rest of the story and find out How Michelle McCaskey is Active in NWI!


The Supportive Act That Lead to Supporting Herself

This week we have an avid runner who's story starts with inspiration and ends with...wait, it hasn't ended yet. Sherri Guba is nowhere near done running and enjoying her active lifestyle that she took up a few years back.

So read on to find our what keeps Guba pounding the pavement.


Looking to Start a Chain Reaction

"I want to ride my bicycle,

I want to ride my bike.

I want to ride my bicycle,

I want to ride it where I like." -Queen

We have a cyclist this week. Here's Eric Beschinski, and he's taking his love for cycling beyond himself and into the community. Read on to find out more about how he is Active in NWI.


Well, I did it... I survived.

It is amazing what some people will do when faced with hardship and tragedy. The incident at the Boston Marathon had so many people band together to help and support the victims and their families so quickly. Recent events these past few years have taught us Americans two things: kindness can come in many forms, and there is never a shortage of people who want to help.

Deanna Grimes wanted to help. After what happened in Boston, she decided to pay tribute to those who were hurt in any way at the Marathon along with those who rose to the occasion to help amidst the tumult and confusion. This piece shows not only how she is Active in NWI, but also why she LOVES being active in this great nation of ours.


Healthy and Strong IS Beautiful

This week we have Julie Mayhew as our story-teller. Her story is unique because...well you'll have to read on to fond out, won't you?

So go forth and be inspired, readers, by Julie Mayhew about How She is Active in NWI.


We're All in This Together

HA! Gotcha! This week's writer for Active in NWI was a contestant on The Biggest Loser. Before going on the show she lost 112 pounds on her own and when Courtney Crozier went to the ranch she lost another 110 pounds which brought the total to 222 pounds lost. This makes her a weight loser.

Crozier didn't stop there. She continues to work out and reach all of her fitness and health goals. Read on to find out more!

If you want to share your story about being active in NWI, send it and a few photos to {valpo}share@valpolife.com{/valpo}{portage}share@portagelife.com{/portage}{laporte}share@laportecountylife.com{/laporte}{nwindiana}share@nwindianalife.com{/nwindiana}