Home»Health»Specialty»Meet Shelly Surber, Nurse Practitioner at NorthShore

Meet Shelly Surber, Nurse Practitioner at NorthShore

NorthShore-Shelly-SurberShelly, a Nurse Practitioner for many years, joined NorthShore to provide health services for Lake Station students, and their families, when our Teen Clinic opened in the Edison Jr./Sr. High School.

She and her husband are the owners of Lakeshore Gymnastics, and All Star Cheerleading; where kids of all ages are taught in the disciplines of gymnastics and cheerleading.

The Surber family consists of Shelly, her husband, two sons, a daughter, 3 pet birds and a dog. In her spare time, Shelly enjoys reading and most of all spending quality time with her friends and family.

She is committed to the mission of NorthShore and plans on providing quality healthcare to all NorthShore patients until the day she retires.