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A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Sarah Johnson

A Northwest Indiana Life in the Spotlight: Sarah Johnson

Finding a passion in life that feeds your soul and boosts overall health is a truly life-changing experience. When Sarah Johnson found hers in the art of yoga and wellness practices, she decided to spread the benefits by starting her own small business, Now Yoga Club and Community Center, and has been touching lives of all ages ever since.

“It’s easy to get caught up in the past or what’s to come, but the name of the studio reminds me every time I see or speak it that we must be here now, in the present moment, the only place that’s real,” Johnson said. “It’s a challenge, sure, but it’s also a relief if you can master that way of thinking.”

The studio’s meaningful name is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the purpose it serves in the community. When she opened the business in the Spring of 2019, Johnson wanted to make the advantages of yoga accessible to adults, children, and families and offers a wide range of services to do just that.

“There is such a wide variety of needs when it comes to yoga, and we truly have something for everyone here,” Johnson said. “Chair yoga is perfect for someone wanting to experience the physical and emotional benefits yoga offers in a way that’s less physically demanding than our Vinyasa class. Restorative yoga is great for the athlete needing to stretch, the busy parent or student needing some time to unwind, or anyone working long hours who needs to give their mind and body a rest. Yoga mix is a nice combination of the challenge and flow Vinyasa offers and the release and relaxation a restorative class offers.  We even have Qi Gong and Tai Chi as well.”

Johnson initially got into yoga as a personal hobby, but once she experienced its immense benefits for herself she knew she wanted to do more with it.  

“After practicing for a short time I started to notice that I felt more calm and centered,” Johnson said. “When I realized that yoga affected me more than just as a great form of exercise, I was hooked.”

The spark for Johnson’s business came from humble beginnings, as she started out with a small yoga club at Grimmer Middle School, where she taught technology and coached volleyball and track.

“Starting that club was my first opportunity to teach yoga to others,” Johnson said. “Until that point, I thought I just wanted to practice on my own and not teach it, but when I saw how happy it made my students I knew I was meant to teach yoga.”

In her life as a yogi, Johnson has developed an affinity for powerful words and finds inspiration in meaningful quotes. Two of her favorites are “A thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts” and “When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” The first is from the character Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron and the second is attributed to Buddha.

“The former is a reminder to appreciate the present moment in all its wonder and beauty and to practice non-attachment. The latter reminds me not to overthink or plan life too much or try to control everything,” Johnson said. “It’s so important to be present and go with the natural ebbs and flows, ride the waves of life, and trust that everything will be ok - more than ok.”

Throughout her life journey, Johnson has embraced the implications of these quotes, following the twists and turns that led her to open the studio she loves today.

“I feel so lucky to be living this life. It’s such an adventure,” Johnson said. “Every day awesome people come into the studio to practice yoga and learn to grow and live their own adventure. I get to help facilitate that and be a part of it which is incredible. It’s so much fun and there’s so much more in store for all of us.”

To learn more about Now Yoga Club and become a part of Sarah Johnson’s wellness family be sure to like/follow the club’s Facebook and Instagram pages, or visit NowYogaClub.com