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Meet the #1StudentNWI High School Insiders in Northwest Indiana

We have a lot to be proud of here at Ideas in Motion Media - but the kids in this video are something we want everyone in the Region to know about. The #1StudentNWI program selects high school students from around Northwest Indiana to report on what's happening at their schools, and let them have an experience they can't get anywhere else. We recently sat down with some of our #1StudentNWIs to see what they had to say about being a part of the group, and what it means to them to be a young published journalist.

To keep up with these kids, you can read their updates here: http://www.nwindianalife.com/features/number-1-student-nwi

The students and their schools represented in this video are as follows:

Tommy Callaghan - Michigan City High School

Leilani Bigott - Whiting High School

Malika Saxena - Valparaiso High School

Erika McClinton- Merrillville High School

Brooke Regalado - Porter County Career and Technical Center

Sam Barloga - Crown Point High School

Marissa Brys - Washington Township High School

Ruby Mioduski - Boone Grove High School

Jodie James - Lowell High School

Sarah Zygmuntowski - La Porte High School

Klaudette Spencer - Wirt-Emerson High School

Nicole Fackelman - Kouts High School

Leanna Early - Griffith High School

Katarina Gregurich - Chesterton High School

Jessica Parlock - Hobart High School

Max Bebekoski - Wheeler High School