Bishop Noll Institute

2 Bishop Noll seniors receive prestigious scholarship for caddies

2 Bishop Noll seniors receive prestigious scholarship for caddies Carrying around heavy bags over acres of hilly terrain in the middle of summer may not appeal to most high schoolers but two Bishop Noll Institute seniors will head to Purdue University this fall on full scholarships thanks to their hard work and...

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#1StudentNWI – Bishop Noll Institute’s Zombie Prom and Winter Formal recap

#1StudentNWI – Bishop Noll Institute’s Zombie Prom and Winter Formal recap What’s happened? Bishop Noll’s winter formal took place February 9. The event was sponsored by the student council, and the theme was masquerade ball, which was accurately represented by the intricate masks all throughout the cafeteria. The event...

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Longtime Noll coach, athletic director and leader honored with lifetime achievement award

Longtime Noll coach, athletic director and leader honored with lifetime achievement award Ed Hreha, a well-known and respected leader in region athletics throughout his 40-year career at Bishop Noll Institute, received the Carl Traicoff Lifetime Achievement Award Monday night (2/18). The Calumet Region Sportsmanship Committee presented...

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#1StudentNWI: Bishop Noll makes history and culturally versed students

#1StudentNWI: Bishop Noll makes history and culturally versed students BNI girls wrestling team makes history Sophomore Natalie Ramirez and freshman Tsi-Tsi-Ki Rangel are the first-ever BNI girls to qualify for state. With it only being Ramirez’s second year and Rangel’s first year, they had a lot of work to do, but...

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Bishop Noll Teacher Gets Best of Both Worlds Teaching Art, Science

Bishop Noll Teacher Gets Best of Both Worlds Teaching Art, Science Combining art and science comes naturally to Bishop Noll Institute teacher Jennifer Gwiazda who has spent most of her life entrenched in both worlds. “People have always found my combination of art and science unusual but for me it is very...

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Bishop Noll Junior Visits Washington, D.C., With Other Young Leaders

Bishop Noll Junior Visits Washington, D.C., With Other Young Leaders Bishop Noll Institute junior Anthony Pizana found himself while at a seminar more than 600 miles away from home. Pizana, of Hobart, was selected to be a leader at the Washington Youth Leader Seminar, which is run by the League of United Latin...

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Bishop Noll Junior Learns From Leaders in Medical Field

Bishop Noll Junior Learns From Leaders in Medical Field Bishop Noll Institute junior Giovanni Komyatte has a passion for medicine and joined other high school students from around the country who aspire to become the next generation of leaders in the medical field. Komyatte represented Bishop Noll and...

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