BOYS BASKETBALL Kouts VS. River Forest 2025

Above: Valparaiso High School Spell Bowl The Indiana Academic Spell Bowl-Senior Division Area Contest was held Monday, November 4 at Washington Township High School. High Schools from Valparaiso (Class 1-62 correct out of 100), Boone Grove (Class...
The Region has some of the best sports action in the entire state of Indiana; tune in for an update on what's happening now around the Region! Coverage Recap FEBRUARY 2, 2024 GIRLS BASKETBALL SECTIONAL SOUTH BEND ADAMS VS SOUTH BEND RILEY FINAL...
We are so thrilled to have captured so many different varieties of photos to celebrate 2023 graduates this year. No matter what—we're there to cover these moments in whatever form they take. Caps off to all 2023 grads for perseverance! Don't forget...
What’s recently happened? Thursday May 11 was the last concert of the year at Kouts High School (KHS). These seasonal concerts bring together the KHS band and choir as well as featuring the performance choir, Kouts Singers. This concert introduces...