Ben’s Blue Bags Effective, Helpful in Caring for Patients with Autism, Study Finds

A Crown Point firefighter’s program designed to help patients with autism is improving care across Northwest Indiana.
A recent study published by Dr. Eric Lombardi, Franciscan Health Crown Point; Dr. Fred Lepore, Franciscan Health Dyer; and Dr. Collin Greer, formerly with Franciscan Health Olympia Fields, finds the program enhanced first responders’ ability to deliver high quality care to individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
The study was conducted over an eight-month period in 2023, with 77 emergency services providers participating.
The results show 94.2% of respondents found Ben’s Blue Bags enhanced the ability to deliver high quality care, with sensory aids being deemed the most valuable component. Out of 65 paramedics, 62 found the bags were helpful in keeping individuals with autism calm during interactions, and 61 respondents reported at least one instance where an unnecessary emergency room visit was avoided.
“Ben’s Blue Bags have been used throughout the area for years. My question was: ‘Why are we only using these sensory aids around our area?’” Lombardi said. “The answer is because the bags are so innovative and new, the use of sensory aids in the pre-hospital setting have not been studied or validated for expanded use. The goal of the study was to see if the bags are worth expanding, and the answer is a resounding yes.”
Lombardi said the study objectively proves sensory aids help paramedics calm individuals with autism, while providing care, including setting up an IV, and prevent unnecessary hospital transports.
“Our hope is that Ben’s Blue Bags, a Crown Point initiative that has been implemented throughout the Franciscan EMS system, can be expanded nationwide and beyond to aid in autism spectrum disorder care,” Lombardi said, noting the study has been downloaded dozens of times in India, Canada and Australia.
Crown Point firefighter-paramedic Matt Kodicek founded Ben’s Blue Bags in 2019. His son, Ben Kodicek, inspired the creation of the organization.
“As a captain and paramedic with the Crown Point Fire Department, I observed that many first responders lacked the necessary tools and training to care for children on the autism spectrum, including my son Ben,” Kodicek said. “As a result, I aimed to make a difference. Ben’s Blue Bags was founded on three pillars of autism awareness: recognize, educate and advocate.”
According to 2024 findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 36 children have autism spectrum disorder.
“It is not a matter of whether first responders will encounter an individual with autism but when,” Kodicek said.
Ben’s Blue Bags are designed for first responders and include various sensory and communication tools, including dry erase boards, markers, communication boards, noise-canceling headphones and other sensory items.
Thus far, 400 bags have been distributed in Lake County, with the help of Logan’s Love - Logans Speaks. The program currently serves 18 municipalities across four counties in Northwest Indiana, providing resources to more than 200 paramedics, 500 emergency medical technicians and 60 transport vehicles in both rural and urban settings.
Across seven states, more than 3,000 first responders utilize Ben’s Blue Bags.
“The bags are essential equipment to help users engage effectively with this population and use the tools appropriately in diverse contexts,” Kodicek said. “More than five years later, Ben’s Blue Bags continues to support first responders by providing these vital tools and training to enhance care for all individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities."