
1st Responders Visit New Prairie High School

By: New Prairie High School Last Updated: October 16, 2020

New Prairie High School Biomed teacher and HOSA advisor Tonya Aerts, with the assistance of the schools SRO Deputy Paul Adams, brought in 1st Responder agencies in LaPorte and St Joseph counties to learn more about the Heart Safe School initiative Aerts has dedicated time and energy to pursue, in honor of students Jake West (LaPorte) and Mark Mayfield (New Prairie).  West and Mayfield both died on their school campus as a result of sudden cardiac arrest.  1st Responders were led on a tour by HOSA students, who came in on an e-Learning day and explained to the 1st Responders the strategic locations AEDs are placed both inside and outside their school building.

Learn more about New Prairie HOSA and what they are doing to create a Heart Safe School by following them on Facebook at New Prairie HOSA or on Instagram at npusc-hosa.